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Sigma KEE - PassengerShip
PassengerShip(passenger ship)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation PassengerShip EnglishLanguage "PassengerShip is the subclass of WaterVehicle designed for the purpose of carrying passengers.") Transportation.kif 2482-2483
(externalImage PassengerShip " b5/ Cruiseship_to_Alaska.JPG") pictureList.kif 2286-2286
(subclass PassengerShip Ship) Transportation.kif 2484-2484 Passenger ship is a subclass of ship

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass CruiseShip PassengerShip) Transportation.kif 2658-2658 Cruise ship is a subclass of passenger ship
(subclass OceanLiner PassengerShip) Transportation.kif 2673-2673 Ocean liner is a subclass of passenger ship
(subclass PassengerAndCargoShip PassengerShip) Transportation.kif 2607-2607 Passenger and cargo ship is a subclass of passenger ship
(subclass ShortSeaPassengerShip PassengerShip) Transportation.kif 2609-2609 Short sea passenger ship is a subclass of passenger ship
(termFormat ChineseLanguage PassengerShip "客船") domainEnglishFormat.kif 44733-44733 Short sea passenger ship is a subclass of passenger ship
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage PassengerShip "客船") domainEnglishFormat.kif 44732-44732 Short sea passenger ship is a subclass of passenger ship
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PassengerShip "passenger ship") domainEnglishFormat.kif 44731-44731 Short sea passenger ship is a subclass of passenger ship


    (instance ?SHIP PassengerShip)
    (cargoType ?SHIP Human))
Transportation.kif 2486-2488


        (instance ?X WaterTransportationService)
        (serviceProvider ?X ?Y)
        (attribute ?Y CoastalAndGreatLakesPassengerTransportation))
    (exists (?CRUISE ?SHIP ?WATER)
            (subProcess ?CRUISE ?X)
            (instance ?CRUISE WaterTransportation)
            (instrument ?CRUISE ?SHIP)
            (instance ?SHIP PassengerShip)
            (eventLocated ?CRUISE ?WATER)
            (instance ?WATER WaterArea)
            (geographicSubregion ?WATER UnitedStates)
                (exists (?FERRY)
                        (instance ?FERRY ShortSeaPassengerShip)
                        (equal ?SHIP ?FERRY)))))))
naics.kif 8207-8225
        (instance ?X WaterTransportationService)
        (serviceProvider ?X ?Y)
        (attribute ?Y DeepSeaPassengerTransportation))
    (exists (?CRUISE ?SHIP)
            (subProcess ?CRUISE ?X)
            (instance ?CRUISE WaterTransportation)
            (instrument ?CRUISE ?SHIP)
            (instance ?SHIP PassengerShip)
            (eventLocated ?CRUISE WorldOcean)
                (exists (?FERRY)
                        (instance ?FERRY ShortSeaPassengerShip)
                        (equal ?SHIP ?FERRY)))))))
naics.kif 8159-8175

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