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Sigma KEE - PapiamentuLanguage
PapiamentuLanguage(papiamentu language)

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(documentation PapiamentuLanguage EnglishLanguage "The PapiamentuLanguage is an IberianBasedCreoleLanguage of the NetherlandsAntilles. SIL code: PAE. ISO 639-2: pap. Population: 179,000 in Netherlands Antilles (1998), 84% of the population (1995). Population total all countries: 329,000. Region: Curacao, St. Maartens, Bonaire islands off Venezuela coast and islands off Nicaragua. Also spoken in Aruba, Netherlands, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands. Alternate names: PAPIAMENTO, PAPIAM, PAPIAMENTOE, PAPIAMEN, CURACOLENO, CURASSESE. Comments: The language is becoming more like Spanish, which is prestigious. They use Dutch at school and with tourists, Spanish with Spanish-speaking persons, English with tourists. All domains. All ages. About 20,000 speak it as second language. Using both Papiamentu and Dutch is not considered an indication of lack of education. However, inability to use Dutch hinders social and political mobility, and leads to discontent. Dictionary. Grammar. Taught in first 2 years of primary school. Newspapers. Christian. Bible 1997. Also spoken in: Aruba. (Language name: PAPIAMENTU.) Population: 70,000 in Aruba (1999 estimate). Alternate names: PAPIAMENTO, PAPIAM, CURACOLENO, CURASSESE, PAPIAMENTOE. Comments: Three main dialects.The language is becoming more like Spanish, which is prestigious. Using both Papiamentu and Dutch is not considered an indication of lack of education. However, inability to use Dutch hinders social and political mobility, and leads to discontent. Bible 1997.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 2368-2388
(instance PapiamentuLanguage IberianBasedCreoleLanguage) Languages.kif 2367-2367 Papiamentu language is an instance of iberian based creole language

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage PapiamentuLanguage "papiamentu语言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 44378-44378
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage PapiamentuLanguage "papiamentu語言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 44377-44377
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PapiamentuLanguage "papiamentu language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 44376-44376

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