OrganismProcess(organism process) | acclimate, acclimatise, acclimatize, adapt, adjust, aerophagia, aestivate, anthesis, arouse, awaken, bawling, bed_down, blanch, blench, bloom, blooming, blossoming, blow, bounce_back, break, breaking_wind, bronze, bundle, bunk_down, cardiopulmonary, cardiorespiratory, cause_to_sleep, circulation, cold_turkey, come, conform, conform_to, conk_out, crash, crying, defoliation, doss, doss_down, drowse, drug_withdrawal, efflorescence, electric_shock, electrical_shock, estivate, etiolate, fart, farting, flatus, florescence, flowering... |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation OrganismProcess ChineseLanguage "这是整个 Organism、多个器官系统或多个 Organs 或 Tissues 的一种生理功能。") | chinese_format.kif 2902-2903 | |
(documentation OrganismProcess EnglishLanguage "A physiologic function of the Organism as a whole, of multiple organ systems or of multiple Organs or Tissues.") | Merge.kif 10222-10224 | |
(documentation OrganismProcess JapaneseLanguage "複数の臓器系または複数の Organ または Tissue の Organism 全体の生理学的機能。") | japanese_format.kif 1651-1652 | |
(subclass OrganismProcess PhysiologicProcess) | Merge.kif 10220-10220 | Organism process is a subclass of physiologic process |
appearance as argument number 2 |