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Sigma KEE - OpticalDisc
OpticalDisc(optical disc)optical_disc, optical_disk

appearance as argument number 1

(diskTypeForDrive OpticalDisc OpticalDiscDrive) ComputerInput.kif 773-773 Optical disc drive reads or writes optical disc
(documentation OpticalDisc EnglishLanguage "This Class comprises several subclasses of disc-shaped data storage devices. Unless otherwise indicated, instances of all of these classes are generally consist of plastic discs incorporating one or more reflective layers of gold or aluminum, which is pitted by a laser to encode data.") Media.kif 1129-1133 Optical disc drive reads or writes optical disc
(subclass OpticalDisc DigitalDataStorageDevice) Media.kif 1128-1128 Optical disc is a subclass of digital data storage device

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass BluRayDisc OpticalDisc) Media.kif 1187-1187 Blu ray disc is a subclass of optical disc
(subclass CompactDisc OpticalDisc) Media.kif 1154-1154 Compact disc is a subclass of optical disc
(subclass DVD OpticalDisc) Media.kif 1255-1255 DVD is a subclass of optical disc
(termFormat EnglishLanguage OpticalDisc "optical disc") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65318-65318 DVD is a subclass of optical disc


        (instance ?X OpticalDisc)
        (attribute ?X MiniSizeDisc))
    (width ?X
        (MeasureFn 80 Millimeter)))
Media.kif 1243-1248
        (instance ?X OpticalDisc)
        (attribute ?X StandardSizeDisc))
    (width ?X
        (MeasureFn 120 Millimeter)))
Media.kif 1230-1235
    (instance ?OBJ OpticalDisc)
    (material Plastic ?OBJ))
Media.kif 1139-1141
    (instance ?OBJ OpticalDisc)
        (material Gold ?OBJ)
        (material Aluminum ?OBJ)))
Media.kif 1143-1147
    (instance ?OBJ OpticalDisc)
    (shape ?OBJ Flat))
Media.kif 1135-1137


    (attribute ?X MiniSizeDisc)
    (instance ?X OpticalDisc))
Media.kif 1240-1242
    (attribute ?X StandardSizeDisc)
    (instance ?X OpticalDisc))
Media.kif 1227-1229

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