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Sigma KEE - OphthalmicArtery
OphthalmicArtery(ophthalmic artery)arteria_ophthalmica, ophthalmic_artery

appearance as argument number 1

(connectedBodyPartTypes OphthalmicArtery AnteriorCiliaryArtery Human) arteries.kif 329-329 connectedBodyPartTypes ophthalmic artery, anterior ciliary artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes OphthalmicArtery AnteriorEthmoidalArtery Human) arteries.kif 247-247 connectedBodyPartTypes ophthalmic artery, anterior ethmoidal artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes OphthalmicArtery CentralRetinalArtery Human) arteries.kif 334-334 connectedBodyPartTypes ophthalmic artery, central retinal artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes OphthalmicArtery DorsalNasalArtery Human) arteries.kif 279-279 connectedBodyPartTypes ophthalmic artery, dorsal nasal artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes OphthalmicArtery LacrimalArtery Human) arteries.kif 188-188 connectedBodyPartTypes ophthalmic artery, lacrimal artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes OphthalmicArtery LongPosteriorCiliaryArtery Human) arteries.kif 309-309 connectedBodyPartTypes ophthalmic artery, long posterior ciliary artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes OphthalmicArtery PosteriorEthmoidalArtery Human) arteries.kif 231-231 connectedBodyPartTypes ophthalmic artery, posterior ethmoidal artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes OphthalmicArtery ShortPosteriorCiliaryArtery Human) arteries.kif 324-324 connectedBodyPartTypes ophthalmic artery, short posterior ciliary artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes OphthalmicArtery SupraorbitalArtery Human) arteries.kif 212-212 connectedBodyPartTypes ophthalmic artery, supraorbital artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes OphthalmicArtery SupratrochlearArtery Human) arteries.kif 273-273 connectedBodyPartTypes ophthalmic artery, supratrochlear artery and human
(documentation OphthalmicArtery EnglishLanguage "ophthalmic artery") arteries.kif 176-176 connectedBodyPartTypes ophthalmic artery, supratrochlear artery and human
(subclass OphthalmicArtery Artery) arteries.kif 174-174 Ophthalmic artery is a subclass of artery
(suppliesBlood OphthalmicArtery CorrugatorSuperciliiMuscle) Muscles.kif 68-68 suppliesBlood ophthalmic artery and corrugator supercilii muscle
(suppliesBlood OphthalmicArtery FrontalisMuscle) Muscles.kif 48-48 suppliesBlood ophthalmic artery and frontalis muscle
(suppliesBlood OphthalmicArtery InferiorRectusMuscle) Muscles.kif 115-115 suppliesBlood ophthalmic artery and inferior rectus muscle
(suppliesBlood OphthalmicArtery LateralRectusMuscle) Muscles.kif 133-133 suppliesBlood ophthalmic artery and lateral rectus muscle
(suppliesBlood OphthalmicArtery LevatorPalpebraeSuperiorisMuscle) Muscles.kif 83-83 suppliesBlood ophthalmic artery and levator palpebrae superioris muscle
(suppliesBlood OphthalmicArtery MedialRectusMuscle) Muscles.kif 125-125 suppliesBlood ophthalmic artery and medial rectus muscle
(suppliesBlood OphthalmicArtery OrbicularisOculiMuscle) Muscles.kif 58-58 suppliesBlood ophthalmic artery and orbicularis oculi muscle
(suppliesBlood OphthalmicArtery SuperiorRectusMuscle) Muscles.kif 105-105 suppliesBlood ophthalmic artery and superior rectus muscle
(suppliesBlood OphthalmicArtery SuperiorTarsalMuscle) Muscles.kif 95-95 suppliesBlood ophthalmic artery and Muller's muscle

appearance as argument number 2

(connectedBodyPartTypes InternalCarotidArtery OphthalmicArtery Human) arteries.kif 178-178 connectedBodyPartTypes internal carotid artery, ophthalmic artery and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes MiddleMeningealArtery OphthalmicArtery Human) arteries.kif 552-552 connectedBodyPartTypes middle meningeal artery, ophthalmic artery and human
(termFormat EnglishLanguage OphthalmicArtery "ophthalmic artery") arteries.kif 175-175 connectedBodyPartTypes middle meningeal artery, ophthalmic artery and human

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