OccupationalRole(occupational role) | au_pair, comber, handyman, harpooneer, harpooner, jack_of_all_trades, odd-job_man, virologist |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(comment OccupationalRole "This term is being defined in this more general way so that it corresponds to the way words describing occupations work in natural langueage. For example a Driver might be a Professional or just basically any person Driving since for the TimeInterval he or she is Driving it is his or her main activity and in the GroupOfPeople on board of the Car the Driver has a different role then the passengers. Whether a person is a professional driver would be by a more specific OccupationalRole like ProfessionalDriver that would be a subAttribute also of the RelationalAttribute Professional." "MSV") | Mid-level-ontology.kif 22523-22529 | |
(documentation OccupationalRole EnglishLanguage "RelationalAttribute ascribing to a CognitiveAgent a relation towards some activity or a set of activities he or she performs during a TimeInterval as his or her main activity. Be it for a longer period of time as a means of earning a living, a leisure activity or an activity the person is engaged in for a short period of time.") | Mid-level-ontology.kif 22518-22521 | |
(subclass OccupationalRole SocialRole) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 22517-22517 | Occupational role is a subclass of social role |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |