NewHampshire(new hampshire) | Granite_State, NH, New_Hampshire |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation NewHampshire EnglishLanguage "A northeastern AmericanState. Its largest City is ManchesterNewHampshire.") | CountriesAndRegions.kif 1039-1040 | |
(externalImage NewHampshire " geography/ US_States/ new_hampshire.png") | pictureList.kif 619-619 | |
(instance NewHampshire AmericanState) | CountriesAndRegions.kif 1033-1033 | New hampshire is an instance of american state |
(meetsSpatially NewHampshire Canada) | CountriesAndRegions.kif 1035-1035 | New hampshire meets canada |
(meetsSpatially NewHampshire Massachusetts) | CountriesAndRegions.kif 1038-1038 | New hampshire meets massachusetts |
(meetsSpatially NewHampshire NorthAtlanticOcean) | CountriesAndRegions.kif 1036-1036 | New hampshire meets north atlantic ocean |
(meetsSpatially NewHampshire Vermont) | CountriesAndRegions.kif 1037-1037 | New hampshire meets vermont |
(part NewHampshire NewEngland) | CountriesAndRegions.kif 1034-1034 | New hampshire is a part of new england |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(meetsSpatially Maine NewHampshire) | CountriesAndRegions.kif 977-977 | Maine meets new hampshire |
(part ManchesterNewHampshire NewHampshire) | CountriesAndRegions.kif 731-731 | Manchester new hampshire is a part of new hampshire |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage NewHampshire "新罕布什尔") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 40337-40337 | Manchester new hampshire is a part of new hampshire |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage NewHampshire "新罕布什爾") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 40336-40336 | Manchester new hampshire is a part of new hampshire |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage NewHampshire "new hampshire") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 40335-40335 | Manchester new hampshire is a part of new hampshire |