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Sigma KEE - Nerve

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Nerve EnglishLanguage "A nerve is an enclosed, cable-like bundle of nerve fibers (called axons) in the peripheral nervous system. Axons transmit electrical impulses. Nerves have historically been considered the basic units of the peripheral nervous system. A nerve provides a common pathway for the electrochemical nerve impulses called action potentials that are transmitted along each of the axons to peripheral organs or, in the case of sensory nerves, from the periphery back to the central nervous system. Each axon, within the nerve, is an extension of an individual neuron, along with other supportive cells such as some Schwann cells that coat the axons in myelin. Within a nerve, each axon is surrounded by a layer of connective tissue called the endoneurium. The axons are bundled together into groups called fascicles, and each fascicle is wrapped in a layer of connective tissue called the perineurium. Finally, the entire nerve is wrapped in a layer of connective tissue called the epineurium. Nerve cells (often called neurons) are further classified as sensory, motor, or mixed nerves. In the central nervous system, the analogous structures are known as nerve tracts.[from Wikipedia]") Anatomy.kif 1886-1896

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass ABranchOfDorsalPrimaryDivisionOfSuboccipitalNerve Nerve) Muscles.kif 778-778 A branch of dorsal primary division of suboccipital nerve is a subclass of nerve
(subclass AbducensNerveCNVI Nerve) Muscles.kif 135-135 Abducens nerve [CNVI] is a subclass of nerve
(subclass AccessoryNerve Nerve) Muscles.kif 589-589 Accessory nerve is a subclass of nerve
(subclass AnsaCervicalis Nerve) Muscles.kif 639-639 Ansa cervicalis is a subclass of nerve
(subclass AnteriorBranchOfObturatorNerve11 Nerve) Muscles.kif 1922-1922 Anterior branch of obturator nerve[11] is a subclass of nerve
(subclass AnteriorInterosseousNerveMedianNerve Nerve) Muscles.kif 1435-1435 AnteriorInterosseousNerveMedianNerve is a subclass of nerve
(subclass AnteriorInterosseousNerveMedianNerveC8T1 Nerve) Muscles.kif 1455-1455 Anterior interosseous nerve (median nerve) (C8, T1) is a subclass of nerve
(subclass AxillaryNerve Nerve) Muscles.kif 1274-1274 Axillary nerve is a subclass of nerve
(subclass BuccalBranchOfFacialNerveCNVII Nerve) Muscles.kif 213-213 Buccal branch of facial nerve [CNVII] is a subclass of nerve
(subclass C1C2C3C4Nerve Nerve) Muscles.kif 684-684 C1C2C3C4Nerve is a subclass of nerve
(subclass C1Nerve Nerve) Muscles.kif 657-657 C1 Nerve is a subclass of nerve
(subclass C1ViaHypoglossalNerve Nerve) Muscles.kif 629-629 C1 via hypoglossal nerve is a subclass of nerve
(subclass C2C3C4C5C6Nerve Nerve) Muscles.kif 675-675 C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 Nerve is a subclass of nerve
(subclass C3C4 Nerve) Muscles.kif 819-819 C3, C4 is a subclass of nerve
(subclass C5C6Nerve Nerve) Muscles.kif 997-997 C5, C6 Nerve is a subclass of nerve
(subclass CervicalBranchOfFacialNerveCNVII Nerve) Muscles.kif 578-578 Cervical branch of facial nerve [CNVII] is a subclass of nerve
(subclass CervicalNerveC3C4AndDorsalScapularNerveC5 Nerve) Muscles.kif 747-747 Cervical nerve (C3, C4) and dorsal scapular nerve (C5) is a subclass of nerve
(subclass CervicalNervesC3C4C5C6C7 Nerve) Muscles.kif 708-708 Cervical nerves (C3, C4, C5, C6, C7) is a subclass of nerve
(subclass DeepBranchOfUlnarNerve Nerve) Muscles.kif 1614-1614 Deep branch of ulnar nerve is a subclass of nerve
(subclass DeepBranchOfUlnarNerveC8AndT1 Nerve) Muscles.kif 1633-1633 Deep branch of ulnar nerve (C8 and T1) is a subclass of nerve
(subclass DeepBranchOfUlnarNerveMedianNerve Nerve) Muscles.kif 1643-1643 Deep branch of ulnar nerve, median nerve is a subclass of nerve
(subclass DeepFibularNerve Nerve) Muscles.kif 1973-1973 Deep fibular nerve is a subclass of nerve
(subclass DeepTemporalNervesFromMandibularNerveCNV3 Nerve) Muscles.kif 351-351 Deep temporal nerves from mandibular nerve [CNV3] is a subclass of nerve
(subclass DorsalRamiC8T1T2T3T4T5T6T7T8T9T10T11 Nerve) Muscles.kif 1056-1056 Dorsal rami – C8, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11 is a subclass of nerve
(subclass DorsalRamusOfC1SuboccipitalNerve Nerve) Muscles.kif 789-789 Dorsal ramus of C1 (suboccipital nerve) is a subclass of nerve

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appearance as argument number 3

(domainSubclass ennervates 1 Nerve) Anatomy.kif 1920-1920 The number 1 argument of ennervates is a subclass of nerve


    (instance ?N Nerve)
    (exists (?NC)
            (instance ?NC NerveCell)
            (part ?NC ?N))))
Anatomy.kif 1910-1915

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