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Sigma KEE - NaturalProcess
NaturalProcess(natural process)branch, offset, offshoot, outgrowth, rain_out, wash_out

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint NaturalProcess IntentionalProcess) Merge.kif 10518-10518 Natural process is disjoint from intentional process
(documentation NaturalProcess ChineseLanguage "这是一个在自然界自然自然发生的 Process。") chinese_format.kif 2929-2929 Natural process is disjoint from intentional process
(documentation NaturalProcess EnglishLanguage "A Process that take place in nature spontanously.") Merge.kif 10513-10514 Natural process is disjoint from intentional process
(documentation NaturalProcess JapaneseLanguage "自然の中で自発的に起こる Process。") japanese_format.kif 1680-1680 Natural process is disjoint from intentional process
(subclass NaturalProcess Process) Merge.kif 10516-10516 Natural process is a subclass of process

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass ElectricalProcess NaturalProcess) engineering.kif 642-642 Electrical process is a subclass of natural process
(subclass GeologicalProcess NaturalProcess) Merge.kif 11222-11222 Geological process is a subclass of natural process
(subclass MechanicalProcess NaturalProcess) engineering.kif 638-638 Mechanical process is a subclass of natural process
(subclass Resonance NaturalProcess) engineering.kif 651-651 Resonance is a subclass of natural process
(subclass Salination NaturalProcess) Geography.kif 2894-2894 Salinifying is a subclass of natural process
(termFormat ChineseLanguage NaturalProcess "自然过程") domainEnglishFormat.kif 39935-39935 Salinifying is a subclass of natural process
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage NaturalProcess "自然過程") domainEnglishFormat.kif 39934-39934 Salinifying is a subclass of natural process
(termFormat EnglishLanguage NaturalProcess "natural process") domainEnglishFormat.kif 39933-39933 Salinifying is a subclass of natural process

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