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Sigma KEE - MinimalWeightedPathFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation MinimalWeightedPathFn ChineseLanguage "这是一个 BinaryFunction,它以两个 GraphNode 之间弧衡量总和的最小值,把两个 GraphNode 分配到 GraphPath 上。") chinese_format.kif 2372-2373
(documentation MinimalWeightedPathFn EnglishLanguage "This BinaryFunction assigns two GraphNodes to the GraphPath with the smallest sum of weighted arcs between the two GraphNodes.") Merge.kif 6015-6017
(documentation MinimalWeightedPathFn JapaneseLanguage "この BinaryFunction は、2つの GraphNode 間の加重円弧の最小合計を持つ2つの GraphNodeGraphPath に割り当てる。") japanese_format.kif 1049-1050
(domain MinimalWeightedPathFn 1 GraphNode) Merge.kif 6011-6011 The number 1 argument of minimal weighted path is an instance of graph node
(domain MinimalWeightedPathFn 2 GraphNode) Merge.kif 6012-6012 The number 2 argument of minimal weighted path is an instance of graph node
(instance MinimalWeightedPathFn BinaryFunction) Merge.kif 6009-6009 Minimal weighted path is an instance of binary function
(instance MinimalWeightedPathFn TotalValuedRelation) Merge.kif 6010-6010 Minimal weighted path is an instance of total valued relation
(range MinimalWeightedPathFn GraphPath) Merge.kif 6013-6013 The range of minimal weighted path is an instance of graph path

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage MinimalWeightedPathFn "%1 和 %2 间的最低成本路径") chinese_format.kif 771-771
(format EnglishLanguage MinimalWeightedPathFn "the lowest cost path between %1 and %2") english_format.kif 771-771
(format FrenchLanguage MinimalWeightedPathFn "le plus petit chemin entre %1 et %2") french_format.kif 465-465
(format ItalianLanguage MinimalWeightedPathFn "il cammino col minor costo tra %1 e %2") relations-it.txt 190-190
(format JapaneseLanguage MinimalWeightedPathFn "%1 と %2 間の lowest cost path") japanese_format.kif 2169-2169
(format PortugueseLanguage MinimalWeightedPathFn "o menor caminho entre %1 e %2") portuguese_format.kif 417-417
(format de MinimalWeightedPathFn "der Pfad der niedrigsten Kosten zwischen %1 und %2") relations-de.txt 997-997
(format hi MinimalWeightedPathFn "%1 aura %2 ke biicha men nimnatama muulya patha") relations-hindi.txt 228-228
(format ro MinimalWeightedPathFn "path%t{drumul} de cost%t{cost} lowest%t{minim} între %1 ºi %2") relations-ro.kif 487-487
(format sv MinimalWeightedPathFn "den minsta kostsamma vägen mellan %1 och %2") relations-sv.txt 533-533
(format tg MinimalWeightedPathFn "ang pinaka halaga landas sa pagitan ng %1 at %2") relations-tg.txt 367-367
(termFormat ChineseLanguage MinimalWeightedPathFn "最低加权路径函数") chinese_format.kif 772-772
(termFormat ChineseLanguage MinimalWeightedPathFn "最小加权路径") domainEnglishFormat.kif 37905-37905
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage MinimalWeightedPathFn "最小加權路徑") domainEnglishFormat.kif 37904-37904
(termFormat EnglishLanguage MinimalWeightedPathFn "minimal weighted path") domainEnglishFormat.kif 37903-37903


            (MinimalWeightedPathFn ?NODE1 ?NODE2) ?PATH)
            (PathWeightFn ?PATH) ?NUMBER1)
        (instance ?PATH2
            (GraphPathFn ?NODE1 ?NODE2))
            (PathWeightFn ?PATH2) ?NUMBER2))
    (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?NUMBER2 ?NUMBER1))
Merge.kif 6023-6029
        (MinimalWeightedPathFn ?NODE1 ?NODE2) ?PATH)
    (instance ?PATH
        (GraphPathFn ?NODE1 ?NODE2)))
Merge.kif 6019-6021

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