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Sigma KEE - Micrometer
Micrometer(micrometer)micrometer, micron

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Micrometer ChineseLanguage "这是米的约数,符号:µm。1微米是1000000分之一米。") Geography.kif 7089-7089
(documentation Micrometer EnglishLanguage "Submultiple of Metre. Symbol:µm. It is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one million of a metre.") Geography.kif 7086-7087
(instance Micrometer UnitOfLength) Geography.kif 7091-7091 Micrometer is an instance of unit of length

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage Micrometer "微米") Geography.kif 7095-7095
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Micrometer "micrometer") Geography.kif 7093-7093


        (instance ?LD LiquidDrop)
        (approximateDiameter ?LD
            (MeasureFn ?S Micrometer))
        (lessThan 500.0 ?S))
    (instance ?LD Droplet))
Geography.kif 7524-7530 A self connected object is an instance of liquid drop and the approximate diameter of the self connected object is a real number micrometer(s) and 500.0 is less than the real number if and only if the self connected object is an instance of droplet
        (instance ?PM ParticulateMatter)
        (part ?P ?PM)
        (approximateDiameter ?P
            (MeasureFn ?S Micrometer))
        (greaterThan 10.0 ?S)
        (greaterThan ?S 2.5))
    (exists (?PM10)
            (instance ?PM10 CoarseParticulateMatter)
            (part ?PM10 ?PM))))
Geography.kif 7440-7451 An object is an instance of PM and a self connected object is a part of the object and the approximate diameter of the self connected object is a real number micrometer(s) and 10.0 is greater than the real number and the real number is greater than 2.5 if and only if there exists the object10 such that the object10 is an instance of PM10 and the object10 is a part of the object
        (instance ?PM ParticulateMatter)
        (part ?P ?PM)
        (approximateDiameter ?P
            (MeasureFn ?S Micrometer))
        (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?S 2.5))
    (exists (?PM25)
            (instance ?PM25 FineParticulateMatter)
            (part ?PM25 ?PM))))
Geography.kif 7469-7479 An object is an instance of PM and a self connected object is a part of the object and the approximate diameter of the self connected object is a real number micrometer(s) and the real number is greater than or equal to 2.5 if and only if there exists the object25 such that the object25 is an instance of PM2.5 and the object25 is a part of the object


    (instance ?PM ParticulateMatter)
    (exists (?P ?ATMOSPHERE ?S)
            (instance ?ATMOSPHERE AtmosphericRegion)
            (located ?PM ?ATMOSPHERE)
            (part ?P ?PM)
            (approximateDiameter ?P
                (MeasureFn ?S Micrometer))
            (greaterThan 1000.0 ?S))))
Geography.kif 7413-7422