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Sigma KEE - Meeting
Areopagus, Chalcedon, Constance, Constantinople, Council_of_Basel-Ferrara-Florence, Council_of_Chalcedon, Council_of_Constance, Council_of_Ephesus, Council_of_Trent, Council_of_Vienne, Ephesus, Fifth_Lateran_Council, First_Council_of_Constantinople, First_Council_of_Lyons, First_Council_of_Nicaea, First_Lateran_Council, First_Vatican_Council, Fourth_Council_of_Constantinople, Fourth_Lateran_Council, Jirga, Lateran_Council, Loya_Jirga, Lyons, Nicaea, Potsdam_Conference, SALT, Second_Council_of_Constantinople, Second_Council_of_Lyons, Second_Council_of_Nicaea, Second_Lateran_Council, Second_Vatican_Council, Strategic_Arms_Limitation_Talks, Third_Council_of_Constantinople, Third_Lateran_Council, Vatican_Council, Vatican_I, Vatican_II, Vienne, Yalta_Conference, affiliate, apparition, appearance, appearing, appointment, assemblage, assemble, assembly, assignation, associate, assort...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Meeting ChineseLanguage "这是当两个或以上的 CognitiveAgent 为了 Communication 而聚在一起的活动。这包括非正式的会面如探访家人,和正式的会议如董事会。") chinese_format.kif 3284-3285
(documentation Meeting EnglishLanguage "The coming together of two or more CognitiveAgents for the purpose of Communication. This covers informal meetings, e.g. visits with family members, and formal meetings, e.g. a board of directors meeting.") Merge.kif 13323-13326
(externalImage Meeting " office_clipart/ people/ people_2/ meeting_1.png") pictureList.kif 589-589
(subclass Meeting SocialInteraction) Merge.kif 13322-13322 Meeting is a subclass of social interaction

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass FormalMeeting Meeting) Mid-level-ontology.kif 16206-16206 Formal meeting is a subclass of meeting
(subclass SocialParty Meeting) Mid-level-ontology.kif 16201-16201 Social party is a subclass of meeting
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Meeting "会面") chinese_format.kif 1207-1207 Social party is a subclass of meeting
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Meeting "meeting") english_format.kif 1631-1631 Social party is a subclass of meeting
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Meeting "rencontrer") french_format.kif 885-885 Social party is a subclass of meeting
(termFormat Hindi Meeting "sangoshthii") terms-hindi.txt 418-418 Social party is a subclass of meeting
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Meeting "Incontro") terms-it.txt 421-421 Social party is a subclass of meeting
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Meeting "会合") japanese_format.kif 2569-2569 Social party is a subclass of meeting
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Meeting "Encontro") portuguese_format.kif 837-837 Social party is a subclass of meeting
(termFormat cb Meeting "pagtagbo") terms-cb.txt 423-423 Social party is a subclass of meeting
(termFormat cz Meeting "meeting") terms-cz.txt 457-457 Social party is a subclass of meeting
(termFormat ro Meeting "întâlnire") relations-ro.kif 906-906 Social party is a subclass of meeting
(termFormat tg Meeting "pagkikita") terms-tg.txt 422-422 Social party is a subclass of meeting


        (instance ?MEET Meeting)
        (agent ?MEET ?AGENT1)
        (agent ?MEET ?AGENT2))
        (WhenFn ?MEET)
        (orientation ?AGENT1 ?AGENT2 Near)))
Merge.kif 13328-13333
    (instance ?MEET Meeting)
    (exists (?AGENT1 ?AGENT2)
            (agent ?MEET ?AGENT1)
            (agent ?MEET ?AGENT2)
            (hasPurpose ?MEET
                (exists (?COMM)
                        (instance ?COMM Communication)
                        (agent ?COMM ?AGENT1)
                        (agent ?COMM ?AGENT2)))))))
Merge.kif 13335-13346

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