MechanicalTap(tap) | tap |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation MechanicalTap EnglishLanguage "A Device for creating a Bolt out of a piece of metal (or other hard material) with a Hole in it.") | Cars.kif 4188-4188 | |
(subclass MechanicalTap Device) | Cars.kif 4186-4186 | Tap is a subclass of device |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage MechanicalTap "tap") | Cars.kif 4187-4187 |
antecedent |
(=> (instance ?MT MechanicalTap) (hasPurpose ?MT (exists (?M ?B) (and (instance ?M Making) (instance ?B Bolt) (instrument ?M ?MT) (result ?M ?B))))) |
Cars.kif 4190-4198 |