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Sigma KEE - Meat
Bovril, Salisbury_steak, beef_tea, beef_tongue, biltong, bird, blood_meal, bone_marrow, bouillon_cube, brain, breast_of_lamb, brisket, buffalo, calf's_brain, calf's_liver, calf's_tongue, calves'_feet, calves'_liver, chicken_liver, chine, chitlings, chitlins, chitterlings, chop, confit, cracklings, crown_roast, cut, cut_of_meat, cut_of_mutton, cutlet, dark_meat, drippings, escallop, fatback, filet, fillet, fish_filet, fish_fillet, fish_steak, flank, flat_bone, forequarter, foreshank, fowl, frog_legs, game, gigot, gobbet, goose_liver...

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint Meat Beverage) Food.kif 391-391 Meat is disjoint from beverage
(disjoint Meat FoodFromPlant) Food.kif 292-292 Meat is disjoint from food from plant
(documentation Meat ChineseLanguage "这是任何来自 Animal 一部分的食物,一般不会通过饮用摄入体内, 包括鸡蛋和以食物形式进食动物的血液。注:这个类别同时包括生肉和经过某些方法处理如煮过的肉。再注:涉及 MeatFruitOrVegetable 的制作直接归类于 Food。") chinese_format.kif 3485-3487 Meat is disjoint from food from plant
(documentation Meat EnglishLanguage "Any food which was originally part of an Animal and is not ingested by drinking, including eggs and animal blood that is eaten as food. Note that this class covers both raw meat and meat that has been prepared in some way, e.g. by cooking. Note too that preparations involving Meat and FruitOrVegetable are classed directly under Food.") Merge.kif 14923-14928 Meat is disjoint from food from plant
(externalImage Meat " FoodMeat.jpg") pictureList.kif 901-901 Meat is disjoint from food from plant
(subclass Meat AnimalSubstance) Merge.kif 14922-14922 Meat is a subclass of animal substance
(subclass Meat Food) Food.kif 291-291 Meat is a subclass of food

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Beef Meat) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20625-20625 Beef is a subclass of meat
(subclass ChickenMeat Meat) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20630-20630 Chicken meat is a subclass of meat
(subclass CuredMeat Meat) Food.kif 2126-2126 Cured meat is a subclass of meat
(subclass Egg Meat) Merge.kif 15072-15072 Egg is a subclass of meat
(subclass GoatMeat Meat) Food.kif 2588-2588 Goat meat is a subclass of meat
(subclass LambMeat Meat) Economy.kif 4952-4952 Lamb meat is a subclass of meat
(subclass Mutton Meat) Economy.kif 4957-4957 Mutton is a subclass of meat
(subclass Pork Meat) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20632-20632 Pork is a subclass of meat
(subclass PoultryMeat Meat) Food.kif 2028-2028 Poultry is a subclass of meat
(subclass Seafood Meat) Food.kif 1921-1921 Seafood is a subclass of meat
(subclass Veal Meat) Economy.kif 4970-4970 Veal is a subclass of meat
(subclass WaterBuffaloMeat Meat) Economy.kif 4975-4975 Water buffalo meat is a subclass of meat
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Meat "meat") chinese_format.kif 1013-1013 Water buffalo meat is a subclass of meat
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Meat "meat") english_format.kif 1238-1238 Water buffalo meat is a subclass of meat
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Meat "viande") french_format.kif 691-691 Water buffalo meat is a subclass of meat
(termFormat Hindi Meat "maansa") terms-hindi.txt 222-222 Water buffalo meat is a subclass of meat
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Meat "Carne") terms-it.txt 225-225 Water buffalo meat is a subclass of meat
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Meat "肉") japanese_format.kif 2374-2374 Water buffalo meat is a subclass of meat
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Meat "Carne") portuguese_format.kif 643-643 Water buffalo meat is a subclass of meat
(termFormat cb Meat "karne") terms-cb.txt 227-227 Water buffalo meat is a subclass of meat
(termFormat cz Meat "meat") terms-cz.txt 260-260 Water buffalo meat is a subclass of meat
(termFormat ro Meat "carne") relations-ro.kif 712-712 Water buffalo meat is a subclass of meat
(termFormat tg Meat "karne") terms-tg.txt 226-226 Water buffalo meat is a subclass of meat

appearance as argument number 3

(domainSubclass meatOfAnimal 1 Meat) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20611-20611 The number 1 argument of meat of animal is a subclass of meat


        (equal ?M
            (OrganicObjectFn ?A))
        (subclass ?M Meat))
    (subclass ?A Animal))
Economy.kif 4945-4950
        (subclass ?S Mixture)
        (initialPart ?S Meat)
        (initialPart ?S FoodFromPlant)
        (initialPart ?S DrinkingWater))
    (equal ?S SoupStock))
Food.kif 1633-1639
    (instance ?M Meat)
    (exists (?DA ?AC)
            (instance ?DA
                (DeadFn ?AC))
            (part ?M ?DA)
            (subclass ?AC Animal))))
Food.kif 1909-1915
    (instance ?MEAT Meat)
    (forall (?PART)
            (part ?PART ?MEAT)
            (exists (?SUBPART ?TIME ?ANIMAL)
                    (part ?SUBPART ?PART)
                    (holdsDuring ?TIME
                            (instance ?ANIMAL Animal)
                            (part ?SUBPART ?ANIMAL))))))))
Merge.kif 14930-14941


    (attribute ?F Vegetarian)
        (exists (?M)
                (instance ?M Meat)
                (part ?M ?F)))))
Food.kif 3523-3529

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