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Sigma KEE - Maneuver
Chinaman, aerial, artifice, assist, at-bat, audible, ball_hawking, baseball_play, baseball_swing, basket, bat, batting, bent_hang, blitz, block, blocking, bosie, bosie_ball, bowling, break, cannon, carom, catching, check, checkmate, chess_move, completed, conversion, crosscheck, crucifix, cut, cutting, demarche, device, dip, discovered_check, double, double_dribble, double_leg_circle, double_play, double_reverse, doubling, down, draw, draw_play, dribble, dribbling, earned_run, en_garde, end_run...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Maneuver ChineseLanguage "这是在 Contest 中的一个有意的举动或出击。在很多的情况 下,Maneuver 是为了赢取 Contest 所实现策略的一部分,但是它也有可能只是整个 Contest 的一种随意 或者是半随意的一部分,例如:棒球比赛中的局。") chinese_format.kif 3301-3303
(documentation Maneuver EnglishLanguage "An intentional move or play within a Contest. In many cases, a Maneuver is a realization of part of a strategy for winning the Contest, but it also may be just an arbitrary or semi-arbitrary division of the overarching Contest, e.g. innings in a baseball game.") Merge.kif 13432-13435
(externalImage Maneuver " 25/ Fiji_Cook_Island_rugby.jpg") pictureList.kif 11395-11395
(externalImage Maneuver " d2/ Football4.png") pictureList.kif 10110-10110
(externalImage Maneuver " fd/ STS-120_backflip_maneuver.jpg") pictureList.kif 11396-11396
(subclass Maneuver IntentionalProcess) Merge.kif 13431-13431 Maneuver is a subclass of intentional process

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Ambush Maneuver) Mid-level-ontology.kif 22034-22034 Ambush is a subclass of maneuver
(subclass Attack Maneuver) Merge.kif 13444-13444 Attack is a subclass of maneuver
(subclass BaseballInning Maneuver) Sports.kif 757-757 Baseball inning is a subclass of maneuver
(subclass BaseballManeuver Maneuver) Sports.kif 684-684 Baseball maneuver is a subclass of maneuver
(subclass Blockade Maneuver) Mid-level-ontology.kif 22054-22054 Blockade is a subclass of maneuver
(subclass Catching Maneuver) Mid-level-ontology.kif 17320-17320 Catching is a subclass of maneuver
(subclass DefensiveManeuver Maneuver) Merge.kif 13466-13466 Defensive maneuver is a subclass of maneuver
(subclass DirectActionActivity Maneuver) MilitaryProcesses.kif 390-390 Direct action activity is a subclass of maneuver
(subclass FootballManeuver Maneuver) Sports.kif 815-815 Football maneuver is a subclass of maneuver
(subclass GameShot Maneuver) Mid-level-ontology.kif 17238-17238 Game shot is a subclass of maneuver
(subclass GolfManeuver Maneuver) Sports.kif 938-938 Golf maneuver is a subclass of maneuver
(subclass MilitaryManeuver Maneuver) Mid-level-ontology.kif 22080-22080 Military maneuver is a subclass of maneuver
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Maneuver "竞争招数") chinese_format.kif 1215-1215 Military maneuver is a subclass of maneuver
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Maneuver "maneuver") english_format.kif 1651-1651 Military maneuver is a subclass of maneuver
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Maneuver "manoeuvre") french_format.kif 893-893 Military maneuver is a subclass of maneuver
(termFormat Hindi Maneuver "yuddhaabhinaya") terms-hindi.txt 426-426 Military maneuver is a subclass of maneuver
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Maneuver "Stratagemma") terms-it.txt 429-429 Military maneuver is a subclass of maneuver
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Maneuver "策略") japanese_format.kif 2577-2577 Military maneuver is a subclass of maneuver
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Maneuver "Manobra") portuguese_format.kif 845-845 Military maneuver is a subclass of maneuver
(termFormat cb Maneuver "maniobra") terms-cb.txt 431-431 Military maneuver is a subclass of maneuver
(termFormat cz Maneuver "maneuver") terms-cz.txt 465-465 Military maneuver is a subclass of maneuver
(termFormat ro Maneuver "manevrã") relations-ro.kif 914-914 Military maneuver is a subclass of maneuver
(termFormat tg Maneuver "Maneobra") terms-tg.txt 430-430 Military maneuver is a subclass of maneuver


        (instance ?MANEUVER Maneuver)
        (instance ?CONTEST ViolentContest)
        (subProcess ?MANEUVER ?CONTEST))
        (instance ?MANEUVER Attack)
        (instance ?MANEUVER DefensiveManeuver)))
Merge.kif 13488-13495
    (instance ?MOVE Maneuver)
    (exists (?CONTEST)
            (instance ?CONTEST Contest)
            (subProcess ?MOVE ?CONTEST))))
Merge.kif 13437-13442


        (instance ?SP SportsPlay)
        (realization ?P ?SP))
    (exists (?S)
            (instance ?S TeamSport)
            (instance ?P Maneuver)
            (subProcess ?P ?S))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 16861-16869
    (instance ?X VideoGamePlayer)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?GAME ?RL ?MOVE ?CONTROLLER ?PLAYER)
                (instance ?GAME VideoGame)
                (instrument ?GAME ?X)
                (agent ?GAME ?PLAYER)
                (instance ?MOVE Maneuver)
                (instrument ?MOVE ?CONTROLLER)
                (agent ?MOVE ?PLAYER)
                (subProcess ?MOVE ?GAME)
                (part ?CONTROLLER ?X)
                (instance ?RL RadiatingLight)
                (agent ?RL ?X)
                (patient ?RL ?GAME)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26152-26167

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