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Sigma KEE - LuxembourgeoisLanguage
LuxembourgeoisLanguage(luxembourgeois language)

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(documentation LuxembourgeoisLanguage EnglishLanguage "The LuxembourgeoisLanguage is a MoselleFranconianMiddleGermanLanguage of Luxembourg. SIL code: LUX. ISO 639-1: lb. ISO 639-2: ltz. Population: 250,000 first language speakers in Luxembourg, perhaps 50,000 as second language (1998). Population total all countries: 300,000. Region: Also spoken in Belgium, France, Germany, USA. Alternate names: LUXEMBURGISH, LUXEMBURGIAN, LUXEMBOURGISH, LETZBURGISCH, LETZEBUERGESCH, MOSELLE FRANCONIAN, FRANKISH. Comments: As distinct from Standard German as is Dutch (Stephens 1976), and not inherently intelligible with it. A Moselle variety of Frankish-German origin, related to varieties of Mitteldeutsch of Belgium. Bilingual level estimates for French are 0 0%, 1 10%, 2 25%, 3 40%, 4 15%, 5 10%. Speakers learn French and German mainly in school. Younger well-educated people speak English. Most written statements are in French (official) or German (less official, TV, newspaper). French used in high school, for speaking to foreigners at work. German used in school for technical terms, speaking to tourists, commuters from Germany. Everyday life, home, school for explanations, court, parliament. All ages. Vigorous use. The mother tongue of most of the population. Taught in school. For most people it is the language of creativity. Literature flourishes at a modest level. Pride in ethnic identity and language. West and Central varieties considered to be more sophisticated, North considered more rural, peasant-like. The variety used by older Belgian-border inhabitants is considered old-fashioned and riddled with French words, but perfectly intelligible. German is considered to be a foreign language, not to be used with others who speak Luxembourgeois. National language. Dictionary. Grammar. SVO, prepositions, genitives, articles, adjectives, numerals, relatives before noun heads, question word initial, 3 prefixes, 2 suffixes on a word, rigid word order, passives, nontonal. Literacy rate in second language: 99% German, French. Written Luxembourgeois not taught in school, so use depends on individual. Letters often written in it. Newspapers, radio programs, TV. Christian. Also spoken in: Belgium. (Language name: LUXEMBOURGEOIS.) Population: 30,000 in Belgium (1998). Alternate names: LETZBURGISCH. Also spoken in: France. (Language name: LUXEMBOURGEOIS.) Alternate names: FRANKISH, PLATT. Comments: As distinct from Standard German as is Dutch (Stephens 1976), and not inherently intelligible with it. The common language of French and German coal miners. Also spoken in: Germany. (Language name: LUXEMBOURGEOIS.) Population: A few. Alternate names: LUXEMBURGIAN, LETZBURGISCH, LETZEBUERGESCH, MOSELLE FRANCONIAN.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 7832-7868
(instance LuxembourgeoisLanguage MoselleFranconianMiddleGermanLanguage) Languages.kif 7831-7831 Luxembourgeois language is an instance of moselle franconian middle german language

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage LuxembourgeoisLanguage "卢森堡语言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 35391-35391
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage LuxembourgeoisLanguage "盧森堡語言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 35390-35390
(termFormat EnglishLanguage LuxembourgeoisLanguage "luxembourgeois language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 35389-35389

appearance as argument number 3

(codeMapping ISO-639-1 "lb" LuxembourgeoisLanguage) Languages.kif 14731-14731 "lb" in ISO-639-1 denotes luxembourgeois language

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