Lower3rdTo11thPosteriorIntercostalArtery(lower3rd to11th posterior intercostal artery) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(connectedBodyPartTypes Lower3rdTo11thPosteriorIntercostalArtery ThoracicAorta Human) | arteries.kif 1259-1259 | connectedBodyPartTypes lower3rd to11th posterior intercostal artery, thoracic aorta and human |
(documentation Lower3rdTo11thPosteriorIntercostalArtery EnglishLanguage "lower3rd to11th posterior intercostal artery") | arteries.kif 1257-1257 | connectedBodyPartTypes lower3rd to11th posterior intercostal artery, thoracic aorta and human |
(subclass Lower3rdTo11thPosteriorIntercostalArtery Artery) | arteries.kif 1255-1255 | Lower3rd to11th posterior intercostal artery is a subclass of artery |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Lower3rdTo11thPosteriorIntercostalArtery "lower3rd to11th posterior intercostal artery") | arteries.kif 1256-1256 |