LoftStyle(loft style) | artist's_loft, attic, choir_loft, cockloft, garret, loft, organ_loft |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation LoftStyle EnglishLanguage "LoftStyle refers to how a StationaryArtifact such as a Room or CondominiumUnit or Building has raised floor space above the ground that overlooks the the ground floor") | Hotel.kif 1148-1150 | |
(instance LoftStyle RelationalAttribute) | Hotel.kif 1147-1147 | Loft style is an instance of relational attribute |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage LoftStyle "loft style") | Hotel.kif 1151-1151 |
antecedent |
(=> (attribute ?X LoftStyle) (exists (?FLOOR ?LOFT ?CEILING) (and (bottom ?FLOOR ?X) (top ?CEILING ?X) (instance ?LOFT StationaryArtifact) (orientation ?LOFT ?FLOOR Above) (orientation ?LOFT ?CEILING Below)))) |
Hotel.kif 1157-1165 |
(=> (attribute ?X LoftStyle) (instance ?X StationaryArtifact)) |
Hotel.kif 1153-1155 |