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Sigma KEE - LocalChurch
LocalChurch(local church)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation LocalChurch EnglishLanguage "An instance of LocalChurch is a single, localized congregation, which may be affiliated with (a subOrganization of) a non-local or dispersed parent denomination or other Church.") People.kif 814-817
(subclass LocalChurch Church) People.kif 813-813 Local church is a subclass of church

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass CollegeChapel LocalChurch) People.kif 1142-1142 College chapel is a subclass of local church
(subclass CommunityChurch LocalChurch) People.kif 1090-1090 Community church is a subclass of local church
(subclass HospitalChapel LocalChurch) People.kif 1148-1148 Hospital chapel is a subclass of local church
(subclass HouseChurch LocalChurch) People.kif 1084-1084 House church is a subclass of local church
(subclass IndependentChurch LocalChurch) People.kif 1169-1169 Independent church is a subclass of local church
(subclass LocalChurchOfLatterDaySaints LocalChurch) People.kif 1152-1152 Local church of latter day saints is a subclass of local church
(subclass LocalRomanCatholicChurch LocalChurch) People.kif 891-891 Local roman catholic church is a subclass of local church
(subclass MilitaryChapel LocalChurch) People.kif 1138-1138 Military chapel is a subclass of local church
(subclass PrisonChapel LocalChurch) People.kif 1168-1168 Prison chapel is a subclass of local church
(termFormat EnglishLanguage LocalChurch "local church") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65173-65173 Prison chapel is a subclass of local church

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