(instance ?HA HeartAttack)
(instance ?H Heart)
(located ?HA ?H))
(exists (?M)
(instance ?M Muscle)
(part ?M ?H)
(exists (?BF ?B)
(instance ?BF LiquidMotion)
(objectTransferred ?BF ?B)
(instance ?B Blood)
(during ?BF
(WhenFn ?HA))
(destination ?BF ?M))))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11586-11603 |
(instance ?HA Stroke)
(instance ?H Brain)
(located ?HA ?H))
(exists (?M)
(instance ?M NerveCell)
(part ?M ?H)
(exists (?BF ?B)
(instance ?BF LiquidMotion)
(objectTransferred ?BF ?B)
(instance ?B Blood)
(during ?BF
(WhenFn ?HA))
(destination ?BF ?M))))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 12133-12150 |
(suppliesBlood ?AC ?BPC)
(instance ?A ?AC)
(instance ?BP ?BPC))
(hasPurpose ?A
(exists (?BF ?B)
(instance ?BF LiquidMotion)
(objectTransferred ?BF ?B)
(instance ?B Blood)
(destination ?BF ?BP))))) |
Anatomy.kif 1947-1958 |
(instance ?CM CoffeeMaking)
(exists (?LM ?W ?CG)
(subProcess ?LM ?CM)
(instance ?LM LiquidMotion)
(patient ?LM ?W)
(instance ?W DrinkingWater)
(destination ?LM ?CG)
(instance ?CG CoffeeGrind)))) |
Food.kif 664-673 |
(instance ?CM CoffeeMaking)
(holdsDuring ?CM
(exists (?LM ?S ?R)
(instance ?LM LiquidMotion)
(instance ?S Soaking)
(instance ?R Removing)
(WhenFn ?LM))
(WhenFn ?S)))
(WhenFn ?S))
(WhenFn ?R))))))) |
Food.kif 703-716 |
(instance ?EM EspressoMaking)
(holdsDuring ?EM
(exists (?H ?W ?V ?T ?LM ?P ?COLL ?K ?CG ?F ?R)
(instance ?H Heating)
(patient ?H ?W)
(measure ?W
(MeasureFn ?V Liter))
(approximateValue ?V 0.03)
(WhenFn ?H))
(measure ?W
(MeasureFn ?T CelsiusDegree))
(approximateValue ?T 90)))
(instance ?LM LiquidMotion)
(patient ?LM ?W)
(holdsDuring ?LM
(measure ?W
(MeasureFn ?P
(KiloFn Pascal)))
(approximateValue ?P 900)))
(destination ?LM ?COLL)
(instance ?COLL Collection)
(measure ?COLL
(MeasureFn ?K Gram))
(approximateValue ?K 7.5)
(member ?COLL ?CG)
(instance ?CG CoffeeGrind)
(attribute ?CG FineGrind)
(located ?COLL ?F)
(instance ?F Filter)
(instance ?R Removing)
(instrument ?R ?F)
(patient ?R ?COLL)
(WhenFn ?H))
(WhenFn ?LM))
(WhenFn ?R))))))) |
Food.kif 799-834 |
- If a time position is an instance of espresso making,
- then there exist an entity, another entity,, , a third entity,, , a fourth entity,, , a fifth entity,, , a sixth entity,, , a seventh entity,, , a eighth entity,, , a ninth entity,, , a tenth entity and a eleventh entity such that the entity is an instance of heating and the other entity is a patient of the entity and the measure of the other entity is the third entity liter(s) and the approximate value of the third entity is 0.03 and the measure of the other entity is the fourth entity celsius degree(s) and the approximate value of the fourth entity is 90 holds during the end of the time of existence of the entity and the fifth entity is an instance of liquid motion and the other entity is a patient of the fifth entity and the measure of the other entity is the sixth entity 1 thousand pascals(s) and the approximate value of the sixth entity is 900 holds during the fifth entity and the fifth entity ends up at the seventh entity and the seventh entity is an instance of collection and the measure of the seventh entity is the eighth entity gram(s) and the approximate value of the eighth entity is 7.5 and the seventh entity is a member of the ninth entity and the ninth entity is an instance of coffee grind and fine grind is an attribute of the ninth entity and the seventh entity is located at the tenth entity and the tenth entity is an instance of filter and the eleventh entity is an instance of removing and the tenth entity is an instrument for the eleventh entity and the seventh entity is a patient of the eleventh entity and the end of the time of existence of the fifth entity is between the end of the time of existence of the entity and the end of the time of existence of the eleventh entity holds during the time position
(instance ?H Heart)
(hasPurpose ?H
(exists (?T ?HB ?B)
(instance ?HB HeartBeat)
(instance ?T LiquidMotion)
(instance ?B Blood)
(moves ?T ?B)
(causes ?HB ?T))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10960-10969 |