Lingonberry(Lingonberry) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Lingonberry EnglishLanguage "A Lingonberry is the fruit of a small evergreen shrub in the heath family Ericaceae, that bears edible fruit. It is native to boreal forest and Artic tundra throughout the Northern Hemisphere.[Wikipedia]") | Food.kif 2259-2261 | |
(subclass Lingonberry Berry) | Food.kif 2258-2258 | Lingonberry is a subclass of berry |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(names "cowberry" Lingonberry) | Food.kif 2263-2263 | Lingonberry has name "cowberry" |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Lingonberry "Lingonberry") | Food.kif 2262-2262 | Lingonberry has name "cowberry" |