LifeThreateningDisease(life threatening disease) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation LifeThreateningDisease EnglishLanguage "A DiseaseOrSyndrome that has been observed to cause the death of Humans.") | WMD.kif 1026-1027 | |
(subclass LifeThreateningDisease DiseaseOrSyndrome) | WMD.kif 1025-1025 | Life threatening disease is a subclass of disease or syndrome |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?DISEASE LifeThreateningDisease) (attribute ?AGENT ?DISEASE)) (capability Death experiencer ?AGENT)) |
WMD.kif 1029-1033 |
(=> (and (instance ?DISEASE LifeThreateningDisease) (instance ?AGENT ?CLASS) (biochemicalAgentSyndrome ?CLASS ?DISEASE)) (instance ?AGENT LifeThreateningAgent)) |
WMD.kif 1035-1040 |
consequent |
(=> (diseaseMortality ?DISEASE ?RATE) (instance ?DISEASE LifeThreateningDisease)) |
WMD.kif 908-910 |