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Sigma KEE - LessDevelopedCountry
LessDevelopedCountry(less developed country)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation LessDevelopedCountry EnglishLanguage "LessDevelopedCountry (LDC) is the Attribute used to describe the bottom group in the hierarchy of UNEconomicDevelopmentLevels. Less developed countries are countries or dependent areas with low levels of production, living standards, and technology. Per capita GDP (perCapitaGDPInPeriod), or GDI (Gross Domestic Income), is generally less than $5,000 and often below $1,500. Subgroups of LDC, however, include countries that have higher per capita incomes, as well as advanced technology, and rapid rates of growth. Subgroups of LDC include: advanced developing countries, the Four Dragons (also known as Four Tigers), LeastDevelopedCountry (LLDCs), low-income countries, middle-income countries, newly industrializing economies (NIEs), the South (from the location of most LDC countries, relative to Northern developed countries), Third World (obsolete), UnderdevelopedCountry, UndevelopedCountry.") Economy.kif 211-224
(instance LessDevelopedCountry UNEconomicDevelopmentLevel) Economy.kif 206-206 Less developed country is an instance of UN economic development level
(successorAttribute LessDevelopedCountry FormerSovietOrEasternEuropeanCountry) Economy.kif 209-209 Less developed country is an immediate successor attribute of former soviet or eastern european country

appearance as argument number 2

(abbreviation "LDC" LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 227-227 "LDC" is an abbreviation of less developed country
(conventionalLongName "Less Developed Country" LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 207-207 Less developed country is a conventional long name of "Less Developed Country"
(conventionalShortName "the South" LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 226-226 Less developed country is a conventional short name of "the South"
(economyType Afghanistan LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 231-231 Less developed country is an economy type of afghanistan
(economyType Algeria LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 232-232 Less developed country is an economy type of algeria
(economyType Angola LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 233-233 Less developed country is an economy type of angola
(economyType AntiguaAndBarbuda LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 234-234 Less developed country is an economy type of antigua and barbuda
(economyType Argentina LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 235-235 Less developed country is an economy type of argentina
(economyType Aruba LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 236-236 Less developed country is an economy type of aruba
(economyType Bahrain LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 238-238 Less developed country is an economy type of bahrain
(economyType Bangladesh LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 239-239 Less developed country is an economy type of bangladesh
(economyType Barbados LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 240-240 Less developed country is an economy type of barbados
(economyType Belize LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 241-241 Less developed country is an economy type of belize
(economyType Burundi LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 242-242 Less developed country is an economy type of burundi
(economyType Cambodia LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 243-243 Less developed country is an economy type of cambodia
(economyType Cameroon LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 244-244 Less developed country is an economy type of cameroon
(economyType CapeVerde LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 245-245 Less developed country is an economy type of cape verde
(economyType CentralAfricanRepublic LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 246-246 Less developed country is an economy type of central african republic
(economyType Chad LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 247-247 Less developed country is an economy type of chad
(economyType Chile LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 248-248 Less developed country is an economy type of chile
(economyType China LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 249-249 Less developed country is an economy type of china
(economyType Colombia LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 250-250 Less developed country is an economy type of colombia
(economyType Comoros LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 251-251 Less developed country is an economy type of comoros
(economyType CostaRica LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 253-253 Less developed country is an economy type of costa rica
(economyType CoteDIvoire LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 254-254 Less developed country is an economy type of coteD ivoire

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    (attribute ?AREA FourDragonsEconomy)
    (economyType ?AREA LessDevelopedCountry))
Economy.kif 384-386


    (ExtensionFn LessDevelopedCountry) 172)
Economy.kif 229-229 172 is a cardinality of the class corresponding to less developed country

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