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Sigma KEE - Lent
Lent(lent)Lent, Lententide

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Lent EnglishLanguage "In Western Christianity, an instance of Lent is a 40-day period of (relative) fasting and reflection preceding an instance of EasterSunday. In the US, Lent is observed predominantly by RomanCatholics, with lesser participation by members of other Christian denominations, some of which even consider Lent not to be a legitimate ChristianHoliday.") Media.kif 415-421
(subclass Lent ChristianHoliday) Media.kif 413-413 Lent is a subclass of Christian holiday
(subclass Lent MoveableHoliday) Media.kif 414-414 Lent is a subclass of moveable holiday

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage Lent "lent") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65158-65158


        (instance ?ES EasterSunday)
        (instance ?L Lent)
        (meetsTemporally ?L ?ES)
        (during ?ES ?Y)
        (instance ?Y Year))
    (during ?L ?Y))
Media.kif 437-444
        (instance ?ES EasterSunday)
        (instance ?L Lent)
        (meetsTemporally ?L ?ES)
        (during ?L ?Y)
        (instance ?Y Year))
    (during ?ES ?Y))
Media.kif 446-453
    (instance ?T1 Lent)
    (duration ?T1
        (MeasureFn 40 DayDuration)))
Media.kif 455-457
    (instance ?T1 Lent)
    (exists (?T2)
            (instance ?T2 EasterSunday)
            (meetsTemporally ?T1 ?T2))))
Media.kif 423-428


    (instance ?T1 EasterSunday)
    (exists (?T2)
            (instance ?T2 Lent)
            (meetsTemporally ?T2 ?T1))))
Media.kif 430-435

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