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Sigma KEE - LeastCommonMultipleFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation LeastCommonMultipleFn ChineseLanguage "(LeastCommonMultipleFn ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2 ... ?NUMBER) 得出 ?NUMBER1 到 ?NUMBER 的最小公倍数。") chinese_format.kif 2245-2246
(documentation LeastCommonMultipleFn EnglishLanguage "(LeastCommonMultipleFn ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2 ... ?NUMBER) returns the least common multiple of ?NUMBER1 through ?NUMBER.") Merge.kif 4936-4938
(documentation LeastCommonMultipleFn JapaneseLanguage "(LeastCommonMultipleFn ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2 ... ?NUMBER) は、?NUMBER1から ?NUMBERまでの最も一般的でない倍数を返す。") japanese_format.kif 909-910
(domain LeastCommonMultipleFn 1 Integer) Merge.kif 4934-4934 The number 1 argument of least common multiple is an instance of integer
(instance LeastCommonMultipleFn Function) Merge.kif 4930-4930 Least common multiple is an instance of function
(instance LeastCommonMultipleFn PartialValuedRelation) Merge.kif 4931-4931 Least common multiple is an instance of partial valued relation
(instance LeastCommonMultipleFn VariableArityRelation) Merge.kif 4932-4932 Least common multiple is an instance of variable arity relation
(range LeastCommonMultipleFn Integer) Merge.kif 4933-4933 The range of least common multiple is an instance of integer

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage LeastCommonMultipleFn "%*[and] 的最小公倍数") chinese_format.kif 706-706
(format EnglishLanguage LeastCommonMultipleFn "the least common multiple of %*[and]") english_format.kif 708-708
(format FrenchLanguage LeastCommonMultipleFn "la racine carr�e de nombre entier de %*[and]") french_format.kif 426-426
(format ItalianLanguage LeastCommonMultipleFn "il minimo comune multiplo di %*[and]") relations-it.txt 161-161
(format JapaneseLanguage LeastCommonMultipleFn "%*[and] の least 公倍数") japanese_format.kif 2143-2143
(format PortugueseLanguage LeastCommonMultipleFn "o minimo multiplo comum de numero, de inteiro %*[e]") portuguese_format.kif 378-378
(format de LeastCommonMultipleFn "das kleinste gemeinsames vielfach von %*[und]") relations-de.txt 919-919
(format hi LeastCommonMultipleFn "%*[aura] kaa laghutama samaapavartaka") relations-hindi.txt 200-200
(format ro LeastCommonMultipleFn "least%t{cel mai mic} multiplu comun al %*[ºi]") relations-ro.kif 448-448
(format sv LeastCommonMultipleFn "den största gemensamma multipeln av %*[and]") relations-sv.txt 477-477
(termFormat ChineseLanguage LeastCommonMultipleFn "最不常见的倍数") domainEnglishFormat.kif 33717-33717
(termFormat ChineseLanguage LeastCommonMultipleFn "最小公倍数函数") chinese_format.kif 707-707
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage LeastCommonMultipleFn "最不常見的倍數") domainEnglishFormat.kif 33716-33716
(termFormat EnglishLanguage LeastCommonMultipleFn "least common multiple") domainEnglishFormat.kif 33715-33715


            (LeastCommonMultipleFn @ROW) ?NUMBER)
            (equal ?NUMBER 0)))
    (forall (?ELEMENT)
            (inList ?ELEMENT
                (ListFn @ROW))
                (RemainderFn ?NUMBER ?ELEMENT) 0))))
Merge.kif 4947-4957
            (LeastCommonMultipleFn @ROW) ?NUMBER)
            (equal ?NUMBER 0)))
        (exists (?LESS)
                (lessThan ?LESS ?NUMBER)
                (forall (?ELEMENT)
                        (inList ?ELEMENT
                            (ListFn @ROW))
                            (RemainderFn ?LESS ?ELEMENT) 0)))))))
Merge.kif 4959-4973
        (LeastCommonMultipleFn @ROW) ?NUMBER)
        (inList ?ELEMENT
            (ListFn @ROW))
        (instance ?ELEMENT Number)))
Merge.kif 4940-4945

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