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Sigma KEE - Learning
Learning(learning)absorb, accommodation, acculturation, acquire, acquisition, alternate, appreciated, apprehended, apprentice, ascertain, assimilate, assimilation, attain, audio_lingual_acquisition, audit, beat_in, bone, bone_up, brainwash, breakthrough, breeding, bump, carry-over, catch_up, chance, chance_on, chance_upon, come_across, come_upon, committal_to_memory, comprehended, conclusion, cram, decision, determination, determine, determined, develop, developmental_learning, diagnosing, diagnosis, digestion, din, discover, discovery, disproof, drill, drill_in, drum, echo_sounding...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Learning ChineseLanguage "这是和获取信息有关 ProcessClass。") chinese_format.kif 3111-3111
(documentation Learning EnglishLanguage "The Class of Processes which relate to the acquisition of information.") Merge.kif 11986-11987
(subclass Learning IntentionalPsychologicalProcess) Merge.kif 11985-11985 Learning is a subclass of intentional psychological process

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Memorizing Learning) Mid-level-ontology.kif 18479-18479 Memorizing is a subclass of learning
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Learning "学习") chinese_format.kif 1144-1144 Memorizing is a subclass of learning
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Learning "learning") english_format.kif 1505-1505 Memorizing is a subclass of learning
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Learning "apprendre") french_format.kif 822-822 Memorizing is a subclass of learning
(termFormat Hindi Learning "adhyayana") terms-hindi.txt 354-354 Memorizing is a subclass of learning
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Learning "Apprendere") terms-it.txt 357-357 Memorizing is a subclass of learning
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Learning "学習") japanese_format.kif 2506-2506 Memorizing is a subclass of learning
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Learning "Aprender") portuguese_format.kif 774-774 Memorizing is a subclass of learning
(termFormat cb Learning "pagkahibalo") terms-cb.txt 359-359 Memorizing is a subclass of learning
(termFormat cz Learning "learning") terms-cz.txt 393-393 Memorizing is a subclass of learning
(termFormat ro Learning "învãþare") relations-ro.kif 843-843 Memorizing is a subclass of learning
(termFormat tg Learning "nagaaral") terms-tg.txt 358-358 Memorizing is a subclass of learning


        (instance ?LEARN Learning)
        (agent ?LEARN ?AGENT)
        (patient ?LEARN ?PROP))
                (WhenFn ?LEARN))
                (knows ?AGENT ?PROP)))
                (WhenFn ?LEARN))
            (knows ?AGENT ?PROP))))
Merge.kif 11995-12002
        (instance ?LEARN Learning)
        (agent ?LEARN ?AGENT))
    (instance ?AGENT CognitiveAgent))
Merge.kif 11989-11993


        (instance ?DISCOVER Discovering)
        (patient ?DISCOVER ?OBJ)
            (WhenFn ?DISCOVER)
            (located ?OBJ ?PLACE)))
    (exists (?LEARN)
            (instance ?LEARN Learning)
            (subProcess ?LEARN ?DISCOVER)
            (patient ?LEARN
                (located ?OBJ ?PLACE)))))
Merge.kif 12019-12028
        (instance ?EDUCATION EducationalProcess)
        (patient ?EDUCATION ?PERSON))
    (hasPurpose ?EDUCATION
        (exists (?LEARN)
                (instance ?LEARN Learning)
                (patient ?LEARN ?PERSON)))))
Merge.kif 11677-11685
        (instance ?FID ForeignInternalDefense)
        (agent ?FID ?MIL)
        (experiencer ?FID ?HN))
    (hasPurpose ?FID
        (exists (?ORG ?LEARNING)
                (instance ?LEARNING Learning)
                (experiencer ?LEARNING ?ORG)
                (agent ?LEARNING ?MIL)
                    (militaryOfArea ?ORG ?HN)
                        (instance ?ORG MilitaryForce)
                        (located ?ORG ?HN)))))))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 1960-1975
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON ?FIELD)
    (exists (?LEARN ?SPECIALITY)
            (instance ?LEARN Learning)
            (agent ?LEARN ?PERSON)
            (instance ?SPECIALITY ?FIELD)
            (realization ?LEARN ?SPECIALITY))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21612-21619
    (instance ?X SchoolBuilding)
    (exists (?L ?P)
            (instance ?L Learning)
            (patient ?L ?P)
            (attribute ?P Student)
            (eventLocated ?L ?X))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22776-22783

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