appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Law ChineseLanguage "这是属于应用于由政府或政府一个部门 %Proposition 的 Attribute,而违规的话会遭处罚。这些 Proposition 可以编纂成法例,或是如政府政策一样属非正式的。") | chinese_format.kif 3909-3910 | |
(documentation Law EnglishLanguage "Attribute that applies to Propositions that are required by a government or a branch of the government and that are enforced with penalties for noncompliance. These Propositions may be codified as legislation or they may be more informal, as in the case of government policy.") | Merge.kif 17560-17563 | |
(externalImage Law "") | pictureList.kif 2591-2591 | |
(externalImage Law "") | pictureList.kif 2482-2482 | |
(externalImage Law "") | pictureList.kif 2592-2592 | |
(externalImage Law "") | pictureList.kif 2590-2590 | |
(instance Law DeonticAttribute) | Merge.kif 17559-17559 | Law is an instance of deontic attribute |
(subAttribute Law Obligation) | Merge.kif 17558-17558 | Law is a subattribute of obligation |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |
(=> (holdsDuring ?TIME1 (modalAttribute ?TEXT Law)) (exists (?TIME2) (and (holdsDuring ?TIME2 (attribute ?TEXT LegislativeBill)) (earlier ?TIME2 ?TIME1)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 14032-14037 |
consequent |