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Sigma KEE - KnotUnitOfSpeed
KnotUnitOfSpeed(knot unit of speed)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation KnotUnitOfSpeed EnglishLanguage "KnotUnitOfSpeed is a unit for measuring speed. One KnotUnitOfSpeed is equal to one NauticalMile per one HourDuration.") Geography.kif 3925-3927
(instance KnotUnitOfSpeed CompositeUnitOfMeasure) Geography.kif 3924-3924 Knot unit of speed is an instance of composite unit of measure

appearance as argument number 2

(abbreviation "kt" KnotUnitOfSpeed) Geography.kif 3922-3922 "kt" is an abbreviation of knot unit of speed
(names "knot" KnotUnitOfSpeed) Geography.kif 3921-3921 Knot unit of speed has name "knot"
(termFormat ChineseLanguage KnotUnitOfSpeed "结速度单位") domainEnglishFormat.kif 32753-32753 Knot unit of speed has name "knot"
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage KnotUnitOfSpeed "結速度單位") domainEnglishFormat.kif 32752-32752 Knot unit of speed has name "knot"
(termFormat EnglishLanguage KnotUnitOfSpeed "knot unit of speed") domainEnglishFormat.kif 32751-32751 Knot unit of speed has name "knot"


        (instance ?ZEPHYR WindFlow)
        (instance ?PLACE Object)
        (partlyLocated ?ZEPHYR ?PLACE)
        (measure ?ZEPHYR
            (MeasureFn ?SPEED KnotUnitOfSpeed)))
    (surfaceWindSpeed ?PLACE
        (MeasureFn ?SPEED KnotUnitOfSpeed)))
Weather.kif 147-153
            (FlowFn ?FLUID)
            (MeasureFn ?NUM KnotUnitOfSpeed))
        (piece ?PART ?FLUID))
    (piece ?PART
        (MeasureFn ?NUM KnotUnitOfSpeed)))
Geography.kif 4905-4909
    (equal ?SPEED
        (MeasureFn ?NUM KnotUnitOfSpeed))
    (equal ?SPEED
            (MeasureFn ?NUM NauticalMile)
            (MeasureFn 1.0 HourDuration))))
Geography.kif 3939-3945


        (instance ?DUSTSTORM DustStorm)
        (instance ?WIND Wind)
        (subProcess ?DUSTSTORM ?WIND))
    (exists (?TRANSLOCATE ?PM ?SAND ?A1 ?A2 ?STRONG)
            (instance ?A1 LandArea)
            (eventLocated ?WIND ?A1)
            (surfaceWindSpeed ?A1
                (MeasureFn ?STRONG KnotUnitOfSpeed))
            (greaterThan ?STRONG 30.0)
            (instance ?TRANSLOCATE Translocation)
            (subProcess ?TRANSLOCATE ?DUSTSTORM)
            (objectTransferred ?TRANSLOCATE ?PM)
            (objectTransferred ?TRANSLOCATE ?SAND)
            (instance ?PM ParticulateMatter)
            (instance ?SAND Sand)
            (instance ?A2 LandArea)
            (destination ?TRANSLOCATE ?A2)
                (overlapsSpatially ?A1 ?A2)))))
Weather.kif 1259-1280
        (instance ?ZEPHYR WindFlow)
        (instance ?PLACE Object)
        (partlyLocated ?ZEPHYR ?PLACE)
        (measure ?ZEPHYR
            (MeasureFn ?SPEED KnotUnitOfSpeed)))
    (surfaceWindSpeed ?PLACE
        (MeasureFn ?SPEED KnotUnitOfSpeed)))
Weather.kif 147-153
            (FlowFn ?FLUID)
            (MeasureFn ?NUM KnotUnitOfSpeed))
        (piece ?PART ?FLUID))
    (piece ?PART
        (MeasureFn ?NUM KnotUnitOfSpeed)))
Geography.kif 4905-4909
    (equal ?SPEED
            (MeasureFn ?DISTANCE NauticalMile)
            (MeasureFn ?TIME HourDuration)))
    (equal ?SPEED
            (DivisionFn ?DISTANCE ?TIME) KnotUnitOfSpeed)))
Geography.kif 3929-3937
    (instance ?PROCESS Blizzard)
        (WhenFn ?PROCESS)
        (exists (?AREA ?GALE ?DURATION)
                (instance ?AREA GeographicArea)
                (eventLocated ?PROCESS ?AREA)
                (surfaceWindSpeed ?AREA
                    (MeasureFn ?GALE KnotUnitOfSpeed))
                (greaterThan ?GALE 35.0)
                    (WhenFn ?PROCESS)
                    (MeasureFn ?DURATION HourDuration))
                (greaterThan ?DURATION 3)))))
Weather.kif 2610-2623
    (instance ?STORM Storm)
        (WhenFn ?STORM)
        (exists (?AREA ?STRONG)
                (instance ?AREA GeographicArea)
                (surfaceWindSpeed ?AREA
                    (MeasureFn ?STRONG KnotUnitOfSpeed))
                (greaterThan ?STRONG 30.0)))))
Weather.kif 2888-2897

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