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Sigma KEE - KashubianLanguage
KashubianLanguage(kashubian language)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation KashubianLanguage EnglishLanguage "The KashubianLanguage is a LechiticLanguage of Poland. SIL code: CSB. ISO 639-2: sla. Population: A few thousand speakers. Most of the ethnic group of over 100,000 speak a regional variety of Polish (1993 Tapani Salminen). Population total both countries 3,000 or more. Region: The left bank of the Lower Vistula in north central Poland, near the Baltic coast, west of the Bay of Gdansk, and a narrow strip inland, southwest from Gdynia. Also spoken in Canada. Alternate names: KASZUBSKI, CASHUBIAN, CASSUBIAN. Dialects: KASHUBIAN PROPER, SLOVINCIAN. Comments: German influences in the language. There are transitional dialects between Kashubian Proper, Slovenian, and Polish. Few children speakers of Kashubian Proper. The Slovincian dialect is extinct. NT 1995.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 11044-11054
(externalImage KashubianLanguage " commons/ 1/ 1a/ Slavic_languages.png") pictureList.kif 11279-11279
(externalImage KashubianLanguage " commons/ 4/ 42/ Dzewus_w_kaszebsczich_ruchnach.jpg") pictureList.kif 10079-10079
(externalImage KashubianLanguage " commons/ a/ aa/ Kaszuby-eng.png") pictureList.kif 11277-11277
(externalImage KashubianLanguage " commons/ d/ de/ Powiat_Pucczi_2_ubt.jpeg") pictureList.kif 11278-11278
(instance KashubianLanguage LechiticLanguage) Languages.kif 11043-11043 Kashubian language is an instance of lechitic language

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage KashubianLanguage "卡舒比语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 32243-32243
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage KashubianLanguage "卡舒比語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 32242-32242
(termFormat EnglishLanguage KashubianLanguage "kashubian language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 32241-32241

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