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Sigma KEE - InternalChange
InternalChange(internal change)acclimation, acclimatisation, acclimatization, acquire, adaptation, adaption, adjustment, aggregation, alkalinise, alkalinize, alphabetisation, alphabetization, alternation, angulation, anneal, assembling, assimilation, barbarise, barbarize, blending, calcify, carving, caseate, centralisation, centralization, change, change_of_shape, chunking, clot, coagulate, codification, collation, collecting, collection, columniation, combination, compilation, compiling, complexify, configuration, conjugate, conjugation, constellation, contrivance, convolution, corrugation, crack, crash, creolize, cure...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation InternalChange ChineseLanguage "这是当 Object 内部特性受到改变的 Process, 例如:Object 形状、颜色和结构等等。不属于这个类别的 Process 包括只影响和其他物体之间关系的改变,例如: 时空位置的变化。") chinese_format.kif 3192-3194
(documentation InternalChange EnglishLanguage "Processes which involve altering an internal property of an Object, e.g. the shape of the Object, its coloring, its structure, etc. Processes that are not instances of this class include changes that only affect the relationship to other objects, e.g. changes in spatial or temporal location.") Merge.kif 12653-12657
(subclass InternalChange Process) Merge.kif 12652-12652 Internal change is a subclass of process

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass BiologicalProcess InternalChange) Merge.kif 10182-10182 Biological process is a subclass of internal change
(subclass ChemicalProcess InternalChange) Merge.kif 12563-12563 Chemical process is a subclass of internal change
(subclass ComputerProcess InternalChange) QoSontology.kif 153-153 Computer process is a subclass of internal change
(subclass Creation InternalChange) Merge.kif 12844-12844 Creation is a subclass of internal change
(subclass Damaging InternalChange) Merge.kif 12330-12330 Damaging is a subclass of internal change
(subclass GeologicalProcess InternalChange) Merge.kif 11238-11238 Geological process is a subclass of internal change
(subclass QuantityChange InternalChange) Merge.kif 10920-10920 Quantity change is a subclass of internal change
(subclass ShapeChange InternalChange) Merge.kif 12712-12712 Shape change is a subclass of internal change
(subclass StateChange InternalChange) Merge.kif 13812-13812 State change is a subclass of internal change
(subclass SurfaceChange InternalChange) Merge.kif 12672-12672 Surface change is a subclass of internal change
(subclass TidalProcess InternalChange) Geography.kif 4928-4928 Tidal process is a subclass of internal change
(subclass TurningOffDevice InternalChange) Mid-level-ontology.kif 1058-1058 Turning off device is a subclass of internal change
(subclass TurningOnDevice InternalChange) Mid-level-ontology.kif 1082-1082 Turning on device is a subclass of internal change
(termFormat ChineseLanguage InternalChange "内部变化") chinese_format.kif 1173-1173 Turning on device is a subclass of internal change
(termFormat EnglishLanguage InternalChange "internal change") english_format.kif 1563-1563 Turning on device is a subclass of internal change
(termFormat FrenchLanguage InternalChange "changement interne") french_format.kif 851-851 Turning on device is a subclass of internal change
(termFormat Hindi InternalChange "aantarika parivartana") terms-hindi.txt 383-383 Turning on device is a subclass of internal change
(termFormat ItalianLanguage InternalChange "CambiamentoInterno") terms-it.txt 386-386 Turning on device is a subclass of internal change
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage InternalChange "内部変化") japanese_format.kif 2535-2535 Turning on device is a subclass of internal change
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage InternalChange "Mudanca Interna") portuguese_format.kif 803-803 Turning on device is a subclass of internal change
(termFormat cz InternalChange "internal change") terms-cz.txt 422-422 Turning on device is a subclass of internal change
(termFormat ro InternalChange "schimbare internã") relations-ro.kif 872-872 Turning on device is a subclass of internal change
(termFormat tg InternalChange "pagpalit ng panloob") terms-tg.txt 387-387 Turning on device is a subclass of internal change


        (instance ?CHANGE InternalChange)
        (patient ?CHANGE ?OBJ))
    (exists (?PROPERTY)
                        (WhenFn ?CHANGE))
                    (attribute ?OBJ ?PROPERTY))
                        (WhenFn ?CHANGE))
                        (attribute ?OBJ ?PROPERTY))))
                        (WhenFn ?CHANGE))
                        (attribute ?OBJ ?PROPERTY)))
                        (WhenFn ?CHANGE))
                    (attribute ?OBJ ?PROPERTY))))))
Merge.kif 12659-12670


        (instance ?P Putting)
        (patient ?P ?S)
        (instance ?S Spice)
        (destination ?P ?F)
        (instance ?F PreparedFood))
    (exists (?C ?A)
            (instance ?C InternalChange)
            (patient ?C ?F)
            (result ?C ?A)
            (attribute ?F ?A)
                (instance ?A FlavourAttribute)
                (instance ?A ColorAttribute)))))
Economy.kif 4499-4514

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