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Sigma KEE - InformationMeasure
InformationMeasure(information measure)EB, Eb, Ebit, EiB, Eibit, Gibit, Mibit, Pibit, Tibit, Yibit, ZB, Zb, Zbit, ZiB, Zibit, capacity, entropy, exabit, exabyte, exbibit, exbibyte, formatted_capacity, gibibit, information, kibibit, kibit, mebibit, pebibit, selective_information, tebibit, unformatted_capacity, yobibit, zebibit, zebibyte, zettabit, zettabyte

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation InformationMeasure ChineseLanguage "这是量度信息量的单位,它包括 BitByte、 和其他多个如:KiloByteMegaByte 等。") chinese_format.kif 2624-2625
(documentation InformationMeasure EnglishLanguage "Measures of the amount of information. Includes Bit, Byte, and multiples of these, e.g. KiloByte and MegaByte.") Merge.kif 7414-7416
(documentation InformationMeasure JapaneseLanguage "情報量の測定。 BitByte、お よびこれらの倍数が含まれる。 例:KiloByteMegaByte。") japanese_format.kif 1339-1340
(subclass InformationMeasure ConstantQuantity) Merge.kif 7412-7412 Information measure is a subclass of constant quantity

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage InformationMeasure "资讯测量") chinese_format.kif 1312-1312
(termFormat EnglishLanguage InformationMeasure "information measure") english_format.kif 1841-1841
(termFormat FrenchLanguage InformationMeasure "mesure d'information") french_format.kif 990-990
(termFormat Hindi InformationMeasure "sUchnaa maapa") terms-hindi.txt 525-525
(termFormat ItalianLanguage InformationMeasure "MisuraD'Informazione") terms-it.txt 529-529
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage InformationMeasure "情報測定") japanese_format.kif 2674-2674
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage InformationMeasure "Medida de Informacao") portuguese_format.kif 942-942
(termFormat cz InformationMeasure "information measure") terms-cz.txt 565-565
(termFormat ro InformationMeasure "mãsurã de informaþie") relations-ro.kif 1011-1011
(termFormat tg InformationMeasure "sukat ng impormasyon") terms-tg.txt 530-530


            (MeasureFn ?NUMBER ?UNIT) ?QUANT)
        (instance ?UNIT UnitOfInformation))
    (instance ?QUANT InformationMeasure))
Merge.kif 6407-6411

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