Impelling(impelling) | Texas_leaguer, actuation, aerosolise, aerosolize, away, backhand, bait_casting, ball, bank_shot, base_hit, basketball_shot, beanball, beaner, belch, belching, belt, bender, blast, blast_off, blastoff, blow, bombard, boost, bounce, bounce_out, bowl, break_wind, breaking_ball, breathe, bubble, bullet, bundling, bunker, bunt, burp, burping, cannon, carry, cast, casting, catapult, centering, change-of-pace, change-of-pace_ball, change-up, charity_shot, charity_throw, charity_toss, chop, chopper... |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Impelling ChineseLanguage "这是 Transfer 的 subclass,当中 patient 通过一次突然有力的过程穿过空间, 例如:射击、投掷和扔等。") | chinese_format.kif 3044-3045 | |
(documentation Impelling EnglishLanguage "The subclass of Transfer where the patient travels through space by means of a sudden, forceful event. Some examples would be shooting, throwing, tossing, etc.") | Merge.kif 11516-11518 | |
(documentation Impelling JapaneseLanguage "patient が突然、衝撃な出来事によって宇宙を通過す る Transfer の subclass。例えば、射撃、物を投げたり、トスする、など。") | japanese_format.kif 1812-1813 | |
(subclass Impelling Transfer) | Merge.kif 11514-11514 | Impelling is a subclass of transfer |
appearance as argument number 2 |
consequent |