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Sigma KEE - ImaginaryNumber
ImaginaryNumber(imaginary number)pure_imaginary_number

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ImaginaryNumber ChineseLanguage "这是将一个 RealNumber 乘以-1的平方根的积,它 可以是任何一个的 Number。") chinese_format.kif 1739-1740
(documentation ImaginaryNumber EnglishLanguage "Any Number that is the result of multiplying a RealNumber by the square root of -1.") Merge.kif 1901-1902
(documentation ImaginaryNumber JapaneseLanguage "RealNumber に -1の平方根を乗算した結果の 任意の RealNumber。") japanese_format.kif 347-348
(subclass ImaginaryNumber Number) Merge.kif 1899-1899 Imaginary number is a subclass of number

appearance as argument number 2

(range ImaginaryPartFn ImaginaryNumber) Merge.kif 4910-4910 The range of imaginary part is an instance of imaginary number
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ImaginaryNumber "虚数") chinese_format.kif 860-860 The range of imaginary part is an instance of imaginary number
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ImaginaryNumber "imaginary number") english_format.kif 922-922 The range of imaginary part is an instance of imaginary number
(termFormat FrenchLanguage ImaginaryNumber "nombre imaginaire") french_format.kif 536-536 The range of imaginary part is an instance of imaginary number
(termFormat Hindi ImaginaryNumber "kaalpanika anka") terms-hindi.txt 66-66 The range of imaginary part is an instance of imaginary number
(termFormat ItalianLanguage ImaginaryNumber "NumeroImmaginario") terms-it.txt 69-69 The range of imaginary part is an instance of imaginary number
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage ImaginaryNumber "虚数") japanese_format.kif 2221-2221 The range of imaginary part is an instance of imaginary number
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage ImaginaryNumber "Numero Imaginario") portuguese_format.kif 488-488 The range of imaginary part is an instance of imaginary number
(termFormat cz ImaginaryNumber "imaginary number") terms-cz.txt 103-103 The range of imaginary part is an instance of imaginary number
(termFormat ro ImaginaryNumber "numãr imaginar") relations-ro.kif 557-557 The range of imaginary part is an instance of imaginary number
(termFormat tg ImaginaryNumber "haka-hakang numero numero") terms-tg.txt 70-70 The range of imaginary part is an instance of imaginary number

appearance as argument number 3

(partition Number RealNumber ImaginaryNumber ComplexNumber) Merge.kif 1825-1825 Number is exhaustively partitioned into real number, imaginary number, and complex number

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