Hydroxychloroquine(hydroxychloroquine) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Hydroxychloroquine EnglishLanguage "Hydroxychloroquine, sold under the brand name Plaquenil among others, is a medication used to prevent and treat malaria in areas where malaria remains sensitive to chloroquine. Other uses include treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and porphyria cutanea tarda. It is taken by mouth, often in the form of hydroxychloroquine sulfate. Common side effects may include vomiting, headache, changes in vision, and muscle weakness. [from Wikipedia]") | Medicine.kif 5606-5613 | |
(sideEffect Hydroxychloroquine Headache) | Medicine.kif 5619-5619 | Headache is a side effect of taking hydroxychloroquine |
(sideEffect Hydroxychloroquine Vomiting) | Medicine.kif 5618-5618 | Vomiting is a side effect of taking hydroxychloroquine |
(subclass Hydroxychloroquine AntiParasitic) | Medicine.kif 5605-5605 | Hydroxychloroquine is a subclass of AntiParasitic |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(diseaseMedicine Lupus Hydroxychloroquine Ingesting) | Medicine.kif 5617-5617 | Lupus is disease treatment hydroxychloroquine for ingesting |
(diseaseMedicine Malaria Hydroxychloroquine Ingesting) | Medicine.kif 5615-5615 | Malaria is disease treatment hydroxychloroquine for ingesting |
(diseaseMedicine RheumatoidArthritis Hydroxychloroquine Ingesting) | Medicine.kif 5616-5616 | Rheumatoid arthritis is disease treatment hydroxychloroquine for ingesting |
(subclass Plaquenil Hydroxychloroquine) | Medicine.kif 5621-5621 | Plaquenil is a subclass of hydroxychloroquine |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Hydroxychloroquine "hydroxychloroquine") | Medicine.kif 5614-5614 | Plaquenil is a subclass of hydroxychloroquine |