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Sigma KEE - Hormone
ACTH, ADH, Estronol, FSH, GI_hormones, HCG, IAA, ICSH, LH, Lipo-Lutin, MSH, Pitressin, Protropin, RH, STH, TRF, TRH, adrenergic, adrenocortical, adrenocorticotrophic_hormone, adrenocorticotrophin, adrenocorticotropic_hormone, adrenocorticotropin, adrenosterone, anabolic_steroid, androgen, androgenic, androgenic_hormone, androsterone, anovulant, anovulatory_drug, antidiuretic_hormone, auxinic, birth_control_pill, cholecystokinin, contraceptive_pill, corticosterone, corticotrophin, corticotropin, endocrine, estradiol, estriol, estrogen, estrogenic, estrone, follicle-stimulating_hormone, gastrin, gastrointestinal_hormone, ghrelin, glucagon...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Hormone ChineseLanguage "这是指在 Animal 体内由的内分泌腺释放入循环液体的化学物质。 Plant 激素或合成激素,这些只用于改变或控制各种生理过程的激素,如生殖控制剂被列入 BiologicallyActiveSubstance ClassHormone 充当化学信差并调节各种生理过程如:生长、繁殖和 新陈代谢等。它们一般被列入两大类,即:类固醇激素肽激素。") chinese_format.kif 3476-3479
(documentation Hormone EnglishLanguage "In Animals, a chemical secreted by an endocrine gland whose products are released into the circulating fluid. Plant hormones or synthetic hormones which are used only to alter or control various physiologic processes, e.g., reproductive control agents, are assigned to the Class BiologicallyActiveSubstance. Hormones act as chemical messengers and regulate various physiologic processes such as growth, reproduction, metabolism, etc. They usually fall into two broad categories, viz. steroid hormones and peptide hormones.") Merge.kif 14882-14889
(externalImage Hormone " 91/ Growth_hormone.png") pictureList.kif 4728-4728
(subclass Hormone BiologicallyActiveSubstance) Merge.kif 14881-14881 Hormone is a subclass of biologically active substance
(subclass Hormone BodySubstance) Merge.kif 14880-14880 Hormone is a subclass of body substance

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Adrenaline Hormone) Mid-level-ontology.kif 12518-12518 Epinephrine is a subclass of hormone
(subclass Androgen Hormone) Mid-level-ontology.kif 12506-12506 Androgen is a subclass of hormone
(subclass Insulin Hormone) Mid-level-ontology.kif 12498-12498 Insulin is a subclass of hormone
(subclass ThyroidHormone Hormone) Mid-level-ontology.kif 12444-12444 Thyroid hormone is a subclass of hormone
(subclass ThyroidStimulatingHormone Hormone) Mid-level-ontology.kif 12479-12479 Thyroid stimulating hormone is a subclass of hormone
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Hormone "激素") chinese_format.kif 1011-1011 Thyroid stimulating hormone is a subclass of hormone
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Hormone "hormone") english_format.kif 1234-1234 Thyroid stimulating hormone is a subclass of hormone
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Hormone "hormone") french_format.kif 688-688 Thyroid stimulating hormone is a subclass of hormone
(termFormat Hindi Hormone "haarmona") terms-hindi.txt 219-219 Thyroid stimulating hormone is a subclass of hormone
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Hormone "Ormone") terms-it.txt 222-222 Thyroid stimulating hormone is a subclass of hormone
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Hormone "ホルモン") japanese_format.kif 2372-2372 Thyroid stimulating hormone is a subclass of hormone
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Hormone "Hormonio") portuguese_format.kif 640-640 Thyroid stimulating hormone is a subclass of hormone
(termFormat cz Hormone "hormone") terms-cz.txt 256-256 Thyroid stimulating hormone is a subclass of hormone
(termFormat ro Hormone "hormon") relations-ro.kif 709-709 Thyroid stimulating hormone is a subclass of hormone
(termFormat tg Hormone "Artipisyal na kalamnan") terms-tg.txt 223-223 Thyroid stimulating hormone is a subclass of hormone


    (instance ?HORMONE Hormone)
    (exists (?PROCESS ?GLAND)
            (instance ?GLAND Gland)
            (instrument ?PROCESS ?GLAND)
            (result ?PROCESS ?HORMONE))))
Merge.kif 14891-14897

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