Hardwood(hardwood) | hardwood |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(disjoint Hardwood Softwood) | Economy.kif 5280-5280 | Hardwood is disjoint from softwood |
(documentation Hardwood EnglishLanguage "Hardwood comes from the stems or tree trunks of dicot trees. In temperate and boreal latitudes, they are mostly DeciduousTrees.") | Economy.kif 5281-5282 | Hardwood is disjoint from softwood |
(partition Hardwood Softwood) | Economy.kif 5279-5279 | Hardwood is exhaustively partitioned into softwood |
(subclass Hardwood WoodProduct) | Economy.kif 5278-5278 | Hardwood is a subclass of wood product |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (equal ?W (OrganicObjectFn ?S)) (subclass ?W Hardwood) (subclass ?S PlantStem)) (modalAttribute (initialPart ?S DeciduousTree) Likely)) |
Economy.kif 5284-5291 |