HandToolBox(tool box) | tool_cabinet, tool_case, tool_chest, toolbox |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation HandToolBox EnglishLanguage "A Box designed for Carrying HandTools, such as a Hammer or Wrench.") | Cars.kif 4807-4808 | |
(subclass HandToolBox Box) | Cars.kif 4806-4806 | Tool box is a subclass of box |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage HandToolBox "tool box") | Cars.kif 4809-4809 |
antecedent |
(=> (instance ?HTB HandToolBox) (hasPurpose ?HTB (exists (?HT) (and (instance ?HT HandTool) (contains ?HTB ?HT))))) |
Cars.kif 4811-4817 |
statement |
(exists (?T) (and (subclass ?T HandToolBox) (manufacturer ?T SortimoCorp))) |
Cars.kif 5094-5097 | There exists a kind of object such that a kind of object is a subclass of tool box and the maker of the kind of object is Sortimo Corporation |