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Sigma KEE - GovernmentSubsidizedEconomy
GovernmentSubsidizedEconomy(government subsidized economy)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation GovernmentSubsidizedEconomy EnglishLanguage "GovernmentSubsidizedEconomy is an Attribute describing an economy in which the government provides subsidies to various industries, workers, or other groups as part of its economic policy.") Economy.kif 892-895
(instance GovernmentSubsidizedEconomy EconomicSystemAttribute) Economy.kif 890-890 Government subsidized economy is an instance of economic system attribute

appearance as argument number 2

(subAttribute WelfareCapitalism GovernmentSubsidizedEconomy) Economy.kif 899-899 Welfare capitalism is a subattribute of government subsidized economy
(termFormat ChineseLanguage GovernmentSubsidizedEconomy "政府补贴经济") domainEnglishFormat.kif 26368-26368 Welfare capitalism is a subattribute of government subsidized economy
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage GovernmentSubsidizedEconomy "政府補貼經濟") domainEnglishFormat.kif 26367-26367 Welfare capitalism is a subattribute of government subsidized economy
(termFormat EnglishLanguage GovernmentSubsidizedEconomy "government subsidized economy") domainEnglishFormat.kif 26366-26366 Welfare capitalism is a subattribute of government subsidized economy

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