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Sigma KEE - FrenchSouthernAndAntarcticLands
FrenchSouthernAndAntarcticLands(french southern and antarctic lands)

appearance as argument number 1

(dependentGeopoliticalArea FrenchSouthernAndAntarcticLands France) CountriesAndRegions.kif 3774-3774 French southern and antarctic lands is a dependent of france
(documentation FrenchSouthernAndAntarcticLands EnglishLanguage "A dependency of France") CountriesAndRegions.kif 3775-3775 French southern and antarctic lands is a dependent of france
(externalImage FrenchSouthernAndAntarcticLands " SUMOpictures/ geography/ Country_Maps/ F/ French_Southern_and_Antarctic_Lands.png") pictureList.kif 448-448 French southern and antarctic lands is a dependent of france
(instance FrenchSouthernAndAntarcticLands DependencyOrSpecialSovereigntyArea) CountriesAndRegions.kif 3879-3879 French southern and antarctic lands is an instance of dependency or special sovereignty area
(instance FrenchSouthernAndAntarcticLands LandArea) CountriesAndRegions.kif 587-587 French southern and antarctic lands is an instance of land area
(located FrenchSouthernAndAntarcticLands
    (DirectionalSubregionFn South IndianOcean))
CountriesAndRegions.kif 588-588 French southern and antarctic lands is located at the directional subregion of south and indian ocean
(located FrenchSouthernAndAntarcticLands IndianOcean) CountriesAndRegions.kif 586-586 French southern and antarctic lands is located at indian ocean

appearance as argument number 2

(names "French Southern and Antarctic Lands" FrenchSouthernAndAntarcticLands) CountriesAndRegions.kif 4170-4170 French southern and antarctic lands has name "French Southern and Antarctic Lands"
(termFormat ChineseLanguage FrenchSouthernAndAntarcticLands "法国南部和南极的土地") domainEnglishFormat.kif 25038-25038 French southern and antarctic lands has name "French Southern and Antarctic Lands"
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage FrenchSouthernAndAntarcticLands "法國南部和南極的土地") domainEnglishFormat.kif 25037-25037 French southern and antarctic lands has name "French Southern and Antarctic Lands"
(termFormat EnglishLanguage FrenchSouthernAndAntarcticLands "french southern and antarctic lands") domainEnglishFormat.kif 25036-25036 French southern and antarctic lands has name "French Southern and Antarctic Lands"

appearance as argument number 3

(codeMapping ISO-3166-1-alpha-2 "TF" FrenchSouthernAndAntarcticLands) Media.kif 2856-2856 "TF" in ISO-3166-1-alpha-2 denotes french southern and antarctic lands

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