(documentation FrenchGuianeseCreoleFrenchLanguage EnglishLanguage "The FrenchGuianeseCreoleFrenchLanguage is a FrenchBasedCreoleLanguage of FrenchGuiana. SIL code: FRE. ISO 639-2: cpf. Population: 50,000 (1977 SIL). Alternate names: GUYANAIS, GUYANE, GUYANE CREOLE, PATOIS, PATWA. Comments: Intelligibility of St. Lucia Creole is 78%, of Karipuna Creole of Brazil 77%. Most speakers are bilingual in French to some degree. Over one_third of the population in the capital speaks Creole as mother tongue. It is the most important rural language. Educated people can all speak it, but try to avoid it. Low status. Not taught in schools. A counter_movement is beginning. Some decreolization is taking place. Trade language. Dictionary. Grammar.(extract from http:/ / www.ethnologue.com/ )") |
Languages.kif 2154-2163 |