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Sigma KEE - FourDragonsEconomy
FourDragonsEconomy(four dragons economy)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation FourDragonsEconomy EnglishLanguage "FourDragonsEconomy describes four small Asian countries that achieved rapid economic growth in the 1990s. Some systems of EconomicDevelopmentLevel place them as a LessDevelopedCountry, but the IMF includes them in AdvancedEconomy.") Economy.kif 379-382
(externalImage FourDragonsEconomy " commons/ 5/ 5b/ VictoriaHarbour.jpg") pictureList.kif 8492-8492
(externalImage FourDragonsEconomy " commons/ 6/ 64/ Seoul_nighview.jpg") pictureList.kif 9237-9237
(externalImage FourDragonsEconomy " en/ 0/ 0c/ Singapore.jpg") pictureList.kif 9238-9238
(instance FourDragonsEconomy EconomicDevelopmentLevel) Economy.kif 371-371 Four dragons economy is an instance of economic development level

appearance as argument number 2

(economyType HongKong FourDragonsEconomy) Economy.kif 374-374 Four dragons economy is an economy type of hong kong
(economyType Singapore FourDragonsEconomy) Economy.kif 375-375 Four dragons economy is an economy type of singapore
(economyType SouthKorea FourDragonsEconomy) Economy.kif 376-376 Four dragons economy is an economy type of south korea
(economyType Taiwan FourDragonsEconomy) Economy.kif 377-377 Four dragons economy is an economy type of taiwan
(names "Four Dragons" FourDragonsEconomy) Economy.kif 372-372 Four dragons economy has name "Four Dragons"
(names "Four Tigers" FourDragonsEconomy) Economy.kif 373-373 Four dragons economy has name "Four Tigers"
(termFormat ChineseLanguage FourDragonsEconomy "四龙经济") domainEnglishFormat.kif 24852-24852 Four dragons economy has name "Four Tigers"
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage FourDragonsEconomy "四龍經濟") domainEnglishFormat.kif 24851-24851 Four dragons economy has name "Four Tigers"
(termFormat EnglishLanguage FourDragonsEconomy "four dragons economy") domainEnglishFormat.kif 24850-24850 Four dragons economy has name "Four Tigers"


    (attribute ?AREA FourDragonsEconomy)
    (economyType ?AREA AdvancedEconomy))
Economy.kif 388-390
    (attribute ?AREA FourDragonsEconomy)
    (economyType ?AREA LessDevelopedCountry))
Economy.kif 384-386

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