Food(food) | Brownie, C-ration, Caesar_salad, Easter_egg, K_ration, MSG, Pablum, Postum, Saratoga_chip, Tabasco, Tabasco_sauce, Tamale, Waldorf_salad, a_la_carte, a_la_mode, addled, aged, aliment, alimental, alimentary, alimentation, allergy_diet, almond_extract, almond_oil, amylaceous, amyloid, amyloidal, apple_sauce, applesauce, aspic, atole, babacu_oil, babassu_oil, bad, balanced_diet, barbecue, barbeque, bird_feed, bird_food, birdseed, bit, bite, bitter_almond_oil, bland_diet, board, bracer, bran_flake, breadstuff, breakfast_food, brine-cured... |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Food EnglishLanguage "Food that is fit for Human.") | Merge.kif 14918-14918 | |
(equal Food (FoodForFn Human)) |
Merge.kif 14919-14919 | Food is equal to food for human |
(subclass Food SelfConnectedObject) | Merge.kif 14920-14920 | Food is a subclass of self connected object |
appearance as argument number 2 |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(domain roastedToTemperature 1 Food) | Food.kif 464-464 | The number 1 argument of roasted to temperature is an instance of food |
antecedent |
consequent |
(=> (and (instance ?A PreparedFoodAttribute) (attribute ?F ?A)) (instance ?F Food)) |
Food.kif 24-28 |
(=> (instance ?C CuringFood) (exists (?F ?P ?S) (and (instance ?F Food) (patient ?C ?F) (instance ?P Putting) (subProcess ?P ?C) (instance ?S SodiumChloride) (patient ?P ?S) (destination ?P ?F)))) |
Food.kif 84-94 |