Female(female) | Amazon, earth_mother, egg-producing, fair_sex, female, femaleness, feminineness, giantess, hen, heroine, intact, inviolate, ogress, woman, womanhood, womankind, young-bearing |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Female ChineseLanguage "这是表示一个 Organism 天生是雌性的 Attribute。") | chinese_format.kif 4018-4018 | |
(documentation Female EnglishLanguage "An Attribute indicating that an Organism is female in nature.") | Merge.kif 18193-18194 | |
(instance Female SexAttribute) | Merge.kif 18192-18192 | Female is an instance of sex attribute |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(contraryAttribute Male Female) | Merge.kif 18204-18204 | Male is the opposite of female |
(exhaustiveAttribute SexAttribute Female Male NonBinaryGender) | Merge.kif 18184-18184 | Female are all the attributes of sex attribute |
(subAttribute QueenConsort Female) | Government.kif 1376-1376 | Queen consort is a subattribute of female |
(subAttribute QueenRegnant Female) | Government.kif 1372-1372 | Queen regnant is a subattribute of female |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Female "女") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 23512-23512 | Queen regnant is a subattribute of female |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Female "女") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 23511-23511 | Queen regnant is a subattribute of female |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Female "female") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 23510-23510 | Queen regnant is a subattribute of female |
antecedent |
consequent |
(<=> (and (instance ?YEAR (YearFn ?Y)) (equal (FemaleLifeExpectancyAtBirthFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER)) (exists (?LIST ?COUNT ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE ?BIRTH ?INDIVIDUAL ?DEATH) (and (instance ?LIST List) (instance (ListLengthFn ?LIST) ?COUNT) (forall (?LISTITEM) (=> (inList ?LISTITEM ?LIST) (and (instance ?LISTITEM ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE) (not (exists (?NUMBER) (and (instance ?NUMBER ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE) (not (inList ?NUMBER ?LIST))))) (equal ?COUNT (CardinalityFn (KappaFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE (and (instance ?BIRTH Birth) (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INDIVIDUAL) (instance ?INDIVIDUAL Human) (attribute ?INDIVIDUAL Female) (during (WhenFn ?BIRTH) ?YEAR) (equal (WhereFn ?BIRTH (WhenFn ?BIRTH)) ?AREA) (instance ?DEATH Death) (experiencer ?DEATH ?INDIVIDUAL) (holdsDuring (WhenFn ?DEATH) (age ?INDIVIDUAL (MeasureFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE YearDuration)))))))))) (average ?LIST ?REALNUMBER)))) |
People.kif 403-436 | A year is an instance of the year an integer and the female life expectancy at birth of a geopolitical area and the year is equal to a real number if and only if there exist a list, another integer,, , a symbolic string,, , an entity,, , another entity and a third entity such that the list is an instance of list and length of the list is an instance of the other integer and for all the listITEM
(<=> (equal (MaleToFemaleRatioFn ?AREA) ?REALNUMBER) (and (equal ?MALECOUNT (CardinalityFn (KappaFn ?MALE (and (instance ?MALE Human) (attribute ?MALE Male) (inhabits ?MALE ?AREA))))) (equal ?FEMALECOUNT (CardinalityFn (KappaFn ?FEMALE (and (instance ?FEMALE Human) (attribute ?FEMALE Female) (inhabits ?FEMALE ?AREA))))) (equal (DivisionFn ?MALECOUNT ?FEMALECOUNT) ?REALNUMBER))) |
People.kif 206-223 | The male to female ratio of a geopolitical area is equal to a real number if and only if an integer is equal to the number of instances in the class described by a symbolic string and another integer is equal to the number of instances in the class described by another symbolic string and the integer and the other integer is equal to the real number |
(<=> (instance ?B Bull) (and (instance ?B Cattle) (attribute ?B Female))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 20458-20462 | An object is an instance of bull if and only if the object is an instance of cattle and female is an attribute of the object |
(<=> (instance ?H Hen) (and (instance ?H Chicken) (attribute ?H Female))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 20490-20494 | An object is an instance of hen if and only if the object is an instance of chicken and female is an attribute of the object |
(=> (and (instance ?B Breast) (part ?B ?H)) (attribute ?B Female)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13077-13081 |
(=> (and (instance ?BODY ReproductiveBody) (part ?BODY ?ORG) (instance ?ORG Organism)) (attribute ?ORG Female)) |
Merge.kif 18196-18201 |
(=> (and (instance ?L LayingEggs) (experiencer ?L ?A)) (and (instance ?A Animal) (attribute ?A Female))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24419-24425 |
(=> (and (instance ?M Menstruation) (experiencer ?M ?F)) (and (attribute ?F Female) (not (attribute ?F Menopausal)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24168-24175 |
(=> (attribute ?F Menopausal) (attribute ?F Female)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24222-24224 | |
(=> (attribute ?H Pregnant) (attribute ?H Female)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 20102-20104 | |
(=> (attribute ?X ExclusiveFemaleLevel) (forall (?Y) (=> (and (instance ?Y HotelRoom) (located ?Y ?X)) (hasPurpose ?Y (exists (?HUMAN) (and (attribute ?HUMAN Female) (stays ?HUMAN ?Y))))))) |
Hotel.kif 1243-1254 |
(=> (attribute ?X FemaleExecutiveRoom) (hasPurpose ?X (exists (?HUMAN) (and (instance ?HUMAN Human) (attribute ?HUMAN Female) (attribute ?HUMAN BusinessExecutive) (stays ?HUMAN ?X))))) |
Hotel.kif 1042-1050 |
(=> (daughter ?CHILD ?PARENT) (attribute ?CHILD Female)) |
Merge.kif 16515-16517 |
(=> (instance ?B Birth) (exists (?M ?BABY) (and (attribute ?M Female) (origin ?B ?M) (objectTransferred ?B ?BABY) (attribute ?BABY NonFullyFormed)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24298-24305 |
(=> (instance ?INSECT QueenInsect) (and (attribute ?INSECT Female) (capability Replication agent ?INSECT))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 12865-12869 |
(=> (instance ?MILK Milk) (exists (?PROCESS ?MAMMAL) (and (instance ?MAMMAL Mammal) (attribute ?MAMMAL Female) (instrument ?PROCESS ?MAMMAL) (result ?PROCESS ?MILK)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11088-11095 |
(=> (instance ?WOMAN Woman) (attribute ?WOMAN Female)) |
Merge.kif 14705-14707 | |
(=> (mother ?CHILD ?MOTHER) (attribute ?MOTHER Female)) |
Merge.kif 16485-16487 |
statement |
(and (instance ?YEAR (YearFn ?Y)) (equal (ChildrenBornPerWomanFn ?AREA ?YEAR) (CardinalityFn (KappaFn ?INFANT (and (instance ?BIRTH Birth) (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INFANT) (agent ?BIRTH ?WOMAN) (instance ?WOMAN Human) (attribute ?WOMAN Female) (holdsDuring ?YEAR (inhabits ?WOMAN ?AREA))))))) |
People.kif 456-469 | A year is an instance of the year an integer and the children born per woman of a geopolitical area and the year is equal to the number of instances in the class described by a symbolic string |