FeelingInControl(feeling in control) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(contraryAttribute FeelingInControl FeelingOutOfControl) | emotion.kif 1790-1790 | Feeling in control is the opposite of feeling out of control |
(documentation FeelingInControl EnglishLanguage "The subjective emotional feeling that one is in control of oneself, that one is fully the agent of one's behavior.") | emotion.kif 1785-1787 | Feeling in control is the opposite of feeling out of control |
(instance FeelingInControl SubjectiveEmotionalFeeling) | emotion.kif 1784-1784 | Feeling in control is an instance of subjective emotional feeling |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage FeelingInControl "feeling in control") | emotion.kif 1789-1789 | |
(utterance EnglishLanguage FeelingInControl "in control") | emotion.kif 1788-1788 | utterance english language, feeling in control and "in control" |