FeelingExhausted(feeling exhausted) | dog-tired, exhausted, fagged, fatigued, played_out, spent, washed-out, worn-out, worn_out |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(contraryAttribute FeelingExhausted FeelingEnergetic) | emotion.kif 1821-1821 | Feeling exhausted is the opposite of feeling energetic |
(documentation FeelingExhausted EnglishLanguage "The subjective emotional feeling of exhaustion, an extremely strong form of feeling tired.") | emotion.kif 1815-1817 | Feeling exhausted is the opposite of feeling energetic |
(subAttribute FeelingExhausted FeelingTired) | emotion.kif 1818-1818 | Feeling exhausted is a subattribute of feeling tired |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage FeelingExhausted "feeling exhausted") | emotion.kif 1819-1819 | |
(utterance EnglishLanguage FeelingExhausted "exhausted") | emotion.kif 1820-1820 | utterance english language, feeling exhausted and "exhausted" |