FalseRibBone(costae spuriae) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation FalseRibBone EnglishLanguage "Rib bones that are not attached to the Sternum, unlike the TrueRibBones. There are 5 false ribs in a normal human, which in turn are divided into the 3 vertebrochondral ribs and 2 floating or vertebral ribs.") | Anatomy.kif 401-404 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(subclass VertebralRibBone FalseRibBone) | Anatomy.kif 411-411 | Floating rib is a subclass of costae spuriae |
(subclass VertebrochondralRibBone FalseRibBone) | Anatomy.kif 407-407 | Vertebrochondral rib bone is a subclass of costae spuriae |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage FalseRibBone "costae spuriae") | Anatomy.kif 405-405 | Vertebrochondral rib bone is a subclass of costae spuriae |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?R FalseRibBone) (part ?R ?H) (instance ?H Human) (not (attribute ?H DiseaseOrSyndrome))) (not (exists (?S) (and (instance ?S Sternum) (part ?S ?H) (connected ?S ?R))))) |
Anatomy.kif 505-517 |