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Sigma KEE - FactualText
FactualText(factual text)
accounting_data, ammunition, book, business_news, certificate, certification, corroborating_evidence, credential, credentials, cross_section, data, data_file, descriptor, document, file, hard_news, info, information, intelligence, latest, marginalia, material, metadata, news, nonfiction, nonfictional_prose, note, nuts_and_bolts, papers, predictor, random_sample, read-out, readout, record, record_book, skinny, soft_news, specification, stop_press, tasting, tidings, voucher, word, written_document

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint FactualText FictionalText) Merge.kif 15428-15428 Factual text is disjoint from fictional text
(documentation FactualText ChineseLanguage "这是旨在揭示世界事实的 Text 类别。这些文本通常被称为 信息或非小说。注:尽管所说的全非属实,这还是可以当成是 FactualText 的实例。一样东西是否属于 FactualText, 这个决定来自文本作者的信念。") chinese_format.kif 3553-3555 Factual text is disjoint from fictional text
(documentation FactualText EnglishLanguage "The class of Texts that purport to reveal facts about the world. Such texts are often known as information or as non-fiction. Note that something can be an instance of FactualText, even if it is wholly inaccurate. Whether something is a FactualText is determined by the beliefs of the agent creating the text.") Merge.kif 15429-15434 Factual text is disjoint from fictional text
(externalImage FactualText " 0/ 02/ Variable-message-sign.jpg") pictureList.kif 2674-2674 Factual text is disjoint from fictional text
(subclass FactualText Text) Merge.kif 15427-15427 Factual text is a subclass of text

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Announcement FactualText) Mid-level-ontology.kif 14737-14737 Announcement is a subclass of factual text
(subclass Documentary FactualText) Mid-level-ontology.kif 14802-14802 Documentary is a subclass of factual text
(subclass Electrocardiogram FactualText) Medicine.kif 3462-3462 Electrocardiogram is a subclass of factual text
(subclass HistoricalAccount FactualText) Mid-level-ontology.kif 15101-15101 Historical account is a subclass of factual text
(subclass Letter FactualText) Mid-level-ontology.kif 15022-15022 Letter is a subclass of factual text
(subclass Message FactualText) Mid-level-ontology.kif 14985-14985 Message is a subclass of factual text
(subclass PartyPlatform FactualText) Government.kif 2283-2283 Party platform is a subclass of factual text
(subclass PerformanceProgram FactualText) Mid-level-ontology.kif 14753-14753 Performance program is a subclass of factual text
(subclass ReferenceBook FactualText) Mid-level-ontology.kif 15132-15132 Reference book is a subclass of factual text
(subclass Report FactualText) Mid-level-ontology.kif 14989-14989 Report is a subclass of factual text
(subclass WeatherForecast FactualText) Weather.kif 3186-3186 Weather forecast is a subclass of factual text
(termFormat ChineseLanguage FactualText "事实文本") domainEnglishFormat.kif 23166-23166 Weather forecast is a subclass of factual text
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage FactualText "事實文本") domainEnglishFormat.kif 23165-23165 Weather forecast is a subclass of factual text
(termFormat EnglishLanguage FactualText "factual text") domainEnglishFormat.kif 23164-23164 Weather forecast is a subclass of factual text


        (instance ?TEXT ?CLASS)
        (subclass ?CLASS FactualText)
        (authors ?AGENT ?CLASS)
        (subsumesContentInstance ?TEXT ?CONTENT)
        (instance ?CONTENT Formula))
    (believes ?AGENT ?CONTENT))
Merge.kif 15446-15453

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