ExtraCoarseGrind(extra coarse grind) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation ExtraCoarseGrind EnglishLanguage "ExtraCoarseGrind CoffeeGrind has a particle size of aproximateValue of approximateDiameter of 1.5 Millimeters.") | Food.kif 1091-1092 | |
(instance ExtraCoarseGrind CoffeeGrindAttribute) | Food.kif 1090-1090 | Extra coarse grind is an instance of coffee grind attribute |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(optimalGrindSizeForMakingCoffee ColdBrewingCoffee ExtraCoarseGrind) | Food.kif 842-842 | Extra coarse grind is the optimal CoffeeGrindAttribute for cold brew coffee coffee making process |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ExtraCoarseGrind "extra coarse grind") | Food.kif 1093-1093 | Extra coarse grind is the optimal CoffeeGrindAttribute for cold brew coffee coffee making process |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?C CoffeeGrind) (attribute ?C ExtraCoarseGrind) (grainSize ?C ?L)) (equal ?L 1.5)) |
Food.kif 1095-1100 |