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Sigma KEE - ExclusiveFishingZoneFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ExclusiveFishingZoneFn EnglishLanguage "(ExclusiveFishingZoneFn ?POLITY) denotes the ExclusiveFishingZone that is claimed by the GeopoliticalArea ?POLITY.") Geography.kif 1146-1149
(domain ExclusiveFishingZoneFn 1 GeopoliticalArea) Geography.kif 1143-1143 The number 1 argument of exclusive fishing zone is an instance of geopolitical area
(instance ExclusiveFishingZoneFn UnaryFunction) Geography.kif 1142-1142 Exclusive fishing zone is an instance of unary function
(range ExclusiveFishingZoneFn ExclusiveFishingZone) Geography.kif 1144-1144 The range of exclusive fishing zone is an instance of exclusive fishing zone

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage ExclusiveFishingZoneFn "%1 的 exclusive 钓鱼区") domainEnglishFormat.kif 927-927
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage ExclusiveFishingZoneFn "%1 的 exclusive 釣魚區") domainEnglishFormat.kif 926-926
(format EnglishLanguage ExclusiveFishingZoneFn "the exclusive fishing zone of %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 925-925
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ExclusiveFishingZoneFn "专属捕鱼区") domainEnglishFormat.kif 22691-22691
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage ExclusiveFishingZoneFn "專屬捕魚區") domainEnglishFormat.kif 22690-22690
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ExclusiveFishingZoneFn "exclusive fishing zone") domainEnglishFormat.kif 22689-22689


        (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea)
            (ExclusiveFishingZoneFn ?AREA) ExclusiveFishingZone))
        (ExclusiveFishingZoneFn ?AREA) ?AREA))
Geography.kif 1151-1155


        (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea)
            (ExclusiveFishingZoneFn ?AREA) ExclusiveFishingZone))
        (ExclusiveFishingZoneFn ?AREA) ?AREA))
Geography.kif 1151-1155

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