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Sigma KEE - EustachianTube
EustachianTube(Eustachian tube)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation EustachianTube EnglishLanguage "In anatomy, the Eustachian tube, also called the auditory tube or pharyngotympanic tube, is a tube that links the nasopharynx to the middle ear, of which it is also a part. In adult humans, the Eustachian tube is approximately 35 mm (1.4 in) long and 3 mm (0.12 in) in diameter. In humans and other tetrapods, both the middle ear and the ear canal are normally filled with air. Unlike the air of the ear canal, however, the air of the middle ear is not in direct contact with the atmosphere outside the body; thus, a pressure difference can develop between the atmospheric pressure of the ear canal and the middle ear. Normally, the Eustachian tube is collapsed, but it gapes open with swallowing and with positive pressure, allowing the middle ear's pressure to adjust to the atmospheric pressure. The Eustachian tube extends from the anterior wall of the middle ear to the lateral wall of the nasopharynx, approximately at the level of the inferior nasal concha. It consists of a bony part and a cartilaginous part. [from Wikipedia]") Anatomy.kif 1503-1513
(externalImage EustachianTube " 1/ 14/ Blausen_0329_EarAnatomy_InternalEar.png") Anatomy.kif 1609-1609
(externalImage EustachianTube " d/ d2/ Anatomy_of_the_Human_Ear.svg") Anatomy.kif 1515-1515
(subclass EustachianTube BodyCavity) Anatomy.kif 1502-1502 Eustachian tube is a subclass of body cavity

appearance as argument number 2

(muscleOrigin TensorTympaniMuscle EustachianTube) Muscles.kif 199-199 The origin of tensor tympani muscle is Eustachian tube
(termFormat EnglishLanguage EustachianTube "Eustachian tube") Anatomy.kif 1514-1514 The origin of tensor tympani muscle is Eustachian tube


        (instance ?ET EustachianTube)
        (part ?ET ?H)
        (attribute ?H Healthy)
        (diameter ?ET
            (MeasureFn ?N Millimeter)))
    (approximateValue ?N 3.0))
Anatomy.kif 1526-1533
        (instance ?ET EustachianTube)
        (part ?ET ?H)
        (attribute ?H Healthy)
        (length ?ET
            (MeasureFn ?N Centimeter)))
    (approximateValue ?N 35.0))
Anatomy.kif 1517-1524

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